Xterio Joins Forces with Particle Network to Accelerate the Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

According to the latest blog post, Xterio has announced a strategic collaboration with Particle Network. This partnership aims to create a smooth gaming ecosystem that leverages the innovative solutions offered by Particle network, providing gamers with not just entertainment but also tangible assets they can own and trade.

Xterio’s $50 Million Raise Boosts Web3 Gaming Development

Xterio is making significant headway as a game publisher and Web3 platform. With a whopping $50 million raised to fuel its ecosystem, the company is setting new standards in the gaming world. Xterio’s focus on empowering players with ownership rights and creating Web3-native universes that break free from traditional platform limitations is accelerating the future of gaming across a variety of genres.

The collaboration between Xterio and Particle Network has yielded some truly remarkable results. For starters, the partnership has achieved an almost perfect uptime rate of 99.99%, ensuring that gamers can enjoy uninterrupted play. This level of reliability is a game-changer in an industry where even minor disruptions can lead to significant user dissatisfaction.

The partnership has also sped up the game development process dramatically. Xterio has managed to bring new games to market readiness in just 90 days or less, setting a new speed record for the industry. This rapid development cycle not only streamlines Xterio’s operations but also allows for the creation of innovative, high-quality content at an unprecedented pace.

Moreover, the partnership has a flawless track record when it comes to user engagement, boasting a 0% rate for limited requests. This ensures that interactions within the gaming environment are smooth and satisfying, enhancing the overall player experience.

De Yi, Technical Director at Xterio, said, “Working with the Particle Network team has been a fantastic experience for us at Xterio. Their technology and product expertise have simplified user onboarding and enabled us to focus on delivering immersive gaming experiences powered by digital ownership. We couldn’t have asked for a better partner in our Web3 journey.”

Particle Network Overcomes Web2 Challenges

One of the major challenges was the complex process of transitioning users from Web2 to Web3 platforms. This required a deep understanding of Web3 wallet creation, blockchain technology, and secure cryptographic key management. Particle Network’s expertise was crucial in making this transition as smooth as possible for users.

One of the most exciting aspects of this partnership is the use case involving Web2 Social Login & Multi-Party Computation (MPC) along with Account Abstraction Wallets. All of this is built on the BNB Chain, providing a seamless and secure environment for both players and developers.

The issue of liquidity fragmentation was also tackled effectively, due to Particle Network’s focus on cross-chain interoperability, decentralized exchange integration, and diverse token standards adaptation.

As Web3 gaming accelerates, we can expect to see fully functional virtual economies where in-game assets have real-world value. This opens up opportunities for “play-to-earn” models, where gaming becomes not just a pastime but a potential source of income.

With the data integrity guaranteed by blockchain, advanced AI algorithms could be used to create more responsive, intelligent, and challenging gaming environments. This could revolutionize genres like strategy and role-playing games.

The value of the Web3 gaming market is expected to hit around $23.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to skyrocket to over $133 billion by 2033, growing at an annual rate of 18.7%. This booming demand for Web3 gaming is fueled by a variety of factors, including the allure of true asset ownership, the rise of the play-to-earn model, the ability to use assets across different platforms, community involvement in game development, and increased security and transparency.

Source: https://blockchainreporter.net/xterio-joins-forces-with-particle-network-to-accelerate-the-web3-gaming-ecosystem/