Web3 Auth lancia un’estensione con Google Cloud

Decentralised solutions provider Web3 Auth today launched an extension on Firebase Hub in collaboration with Google Cloud.

According to the company’s press release, the aim of this strategic move is to enable various companies operating in the Web2 world to embrace the innovative Web3 sector.

At the heart of this noble intention is a particularly interesting technology, that of Multi-Party Computation (MPC), which breaks down the knowledge barriers required to access the blockchain context, simplifying the entire process.

Let’s look at the details together

What is Web3 Auth?

Web3 Auth is a Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) provider that aims to offer simplified access solutions to any company or individual wishing to interface with the blockchain world. 

Its main feature is to guarantee the use of decentralised wallets without necessarily having to hold private keys (with all the risks that entails), but simply through the traditional methods of accessing web platforms2. At the same time, this approach preserves the privacy and security principles inherent to the Web3 world: users remain in full control of their cryptographic wallets.

This is possible thanks to Multi-Party-Computation (MPC) and Account Abstraction, which ensure a smooth and seamless user experience.

Specifically, Web3 Auth offers multiple access options and password-free sign-up, where users can sign up with the various 0Auth providers (Google, Twitter, Discord, Instagram) or sign up directly from their email without having to use a password.

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In addition, developers in this field enjoy the flexibility of creating access systems by incorporating traditional methods and the Web3Auth wallet management infrastructure.

The management and recovery of cryptographic wallets is also simplified, as multi-factor authentication methods facilitate the recovery of private keys and prevent them from being lost forever due to distraction errors.

The provider in question supports all chains on the market, but focuses mainly on EVM-compatible networks and Solana.

Today, 15 million users access these services via simple SDKs, enjoying uptime guarantees and customer conversion rates of over 64%.

Web3 Auth works with Fortune 500 brands such as NBCUniversal, Fox.com, McDonald’s, SK Planet and is integrated with the most prominent decentralised non-custodial solutions such as Trust Wallet, MetaMask, Keplr, Kukai and Skyweaver.

In January 2022, the company raised $13 million in a funding round led by Sequoia Capital, Union Square Ventures and Binance.


Web3Auth and the partnership with Google Cloud to launch an extension on Firebase: Aiming to simplify the transition of enterprises from Web2 to Web3

Today, Web3Auth announced the launch of one of its extensions on the Firebase Extensions Hub, in partnership with Google Cloud.

This is a real revolution that will make room for the onboarding of a large number of users, considering the large number of applications and companies within Firebase.

The latter will be able to connect to the Web3 world by generating a public-private key pair, without having to go through complex steps.

In fact, access to a decentralised wallet is granted via familiar logins such as email, SMS, OTPs, biometric IDs or 0Auth providers.

In this way, any application can experience the world of blockchain without necessarily being familiar with the concepts behind it and without having to integrate solutions themselves, but simply relying on the provider.

The partnership with Google Cloud not only brings prestige to the company, but also allows it to maintain high security standards and a latency of less than 1.5 seconds.

In particular, this performance is made possible by Google Cloud’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE), which provides a defence system against DDoS.

The Firebase Hub extension ensures that different companies can easily access their users’ email addresses, Ethereum addresses, full names and UIDs.

This is essential to obtain aggregated demographic data on their users so that they can target a similar audience.

Commenting on this strategic move, Zhen Yu Yong, co-founder and CEO of Web3Auth, said:

“In order to achieve unprecedented performance to meet global demand, Web3Auth needed a global, multi-region cloud infrastructure. [We are also excited that the backend of this Firebase extension is on Google Cloud, which gives us even more firepower to keep it running as smoothly as possible. No matter where you are in the world, any Web2-centric application or native Web3 dApp can now enable their users to use their social access with consistent access times”.

Below you will find a step by step tutorial that shows you how to integrate Web3 Auth into the Firebase Extension Hub.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2023/10/02/web3-auth-launches-extension-to-firebase-hub-in-partnership-with-google-cloud/