Web 3.0 Platform Uniting Creators and Fans Raises $1.5M

Sagaverse: Web 3.0 Platform Uniting Creators and Fans Raises $1.5M




The Sagaverse project raised $1.5 million during the most recent investment round from Com2Us and Innovation Norway, as well as a few super angel investors. This round of funding expands on prior investments made by venture capitalists with expertise in deep technology, web3, interactive media, and marketplaces, such as Promentum and several super angels like David Helgason and Bogomil Balkansky.

What is the Sagaverse project about?

Sagaverse is a cross-platform rich media player merging creation and consumption, enabling collaborative content creation and monetization. a dApp that serves as a user-facing front-end for a rich media player and provides a novel method of co-creation supported by social features and derivative content monetization. The project offers the space where creators activate fans and their content, ultimately benefiting both sides. The Sagaverse platform thus allows creators and fans to collaborate, co-create, co-monetize, and co-distribute.

What is Sagaverse’s target audience?

Web 2.0 does not offer enough tools for creators focused on interactivity, for instance, for gamer creators and their communities. Sagaverse solves this problem by offering a space where artists who create interactive content (3D, motion graphics, programmable content) can monetize their work.

In addition, Sagaverse offers an open, rich media format where users can like, comment, react, remix, add, change, and collaborate while generating income for creators and their fans. Everything you do counts.

Advantages for both creators and fans

A Saga is a piece of content on Sagaverse. Sagas are all about group creation and play. For next-generation visual media, such as interactive and augmented video, Sagaverse has a rich media player. People will adore, appreciate, and use that as the next content format in their daily lives.




Sagaverse encourages using rich media through interactivity and collaboration, each bringing benefits for content creators and fans. For example, users can co-create and share NFTs, 3D files, and interactive videos. Furthermore, on Sagaverse, the initial content creator receives royalties if fans and other participants use one’s artwork, remix, meme, or animate it. Besides, creators can mint video NFTs and make them remixable by others, always receiving royalties when consumed forever.

Plans for the future

The platform’s first product launch is scheduled for Q4 2022 and will be demoed at the forthcoming Slush event in Helsinki. It will be focused on gamer creators and their communities – mostly short-form video creators, eSports players, 3D artists, and 3D animators – and provides seamless integration for Twitch, with access to its base of 31 million DAUs. 

By the end of 2023, Sagaverse aims to launch an open protocol enabling publishers to build creation and consumption experiences and empower them to build and launch collaborative Web3 media dApps.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/sagaverse-web-3-0-platform-uniting-creators-and-fans-raises-1-5m/