Ultimate Guide to Joining the Rainbow Airdrop

Ultimate Guide to Joining the Rainbow Airdrop

Rainbow, a fun, simple, and secure Ethereum wallet, is offering an exciting airdrop program. By using Ethereum through Rainbow, you can earn rewards in the form of Rainbow Points. Here’s how you can participate and maximize your rewards.

Rainbow Airdrop

Step-by-Step Guide to Download Rainbow Wallet:

  • Start by downloading the Rainbow wallet from here.

  • Learn About Rainbow Points:
    • Understand how Rainbow Points work by visiting this link.
  • Eligibility for Points:
    • All Ethereum wallet users receive some points.
    • Users switching from MetaMask (🦊) to Rainbow (🌈) earn additional points.
    • Rainbow True Believers get the highest number of points.
  • Points Distribution:
    • A snapshot was taken on Monday, December 11th, at 12 PM EST.
    • All active Ethereum users as of this date received at least 100 Rainbow Points based on their wallet balances.
    • MetaMask users who used the swap feature in the past 12 months are eligible for a bonus based on their transaction volume.
    • Rainbow True Believers received bonus points for:
      • Swapping or bridging in Rainbow.
      • Holding at least one Rainbow NFT.
      • Having a wallet balance.
  • Import MetaMask Wallet:
    • Import your MetaMask wallet into Rainbow for up to 150k extra points, especially if you’ve used MetaMask’s swap feature in the last year.
  • Earn Points Onchain:
    • Almost every onchain activity in Rainbow earns you points. Learn more here.
  • Maximizing Points:
    • To climb the leaderboard:
      • Swap and Bridge within Rainbow.
      • Invite friends to join Rainbow.
  • Weekly Points Drop:
    • Points are distributed every Tuesday at 4:20 PM ET.
  • Referral Program:
    • Inviting people to Rainbow is a lucrative way to earn points.
    • You receive 10% of the points earned by your referrals.
    • Earn 100 points for every direct referral, 50 points for their referrals, and 20 points for the next level of referrals.
    • Your referral code is not linked to your Ethereum address, ensuring privacy.

Tips for Success

  • Stay Active: Regularly use Rainbow for various transactions to keep earning points.
  • Spread the Word: The more friends you invite, the more points you can earn through the referral program.
  • Monitor Your Progress: Keep an eye on your points and leaderboard status to strategize your activities.

exchange comparison

Join the Rainbow community and supercharge your rewards with our special referral link! By downloading the Rainbow app using this link, you’re not just getting a secure and user-friendly Ethereum wallet, but also the chance to earn 100x points. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to maximize your rewards and be a part of the vibrant Rainbow ecosystem.


Rainbow’s airdrop is an excellent opportunity for Ethereum users to earn rewards while enjoying a seamless wallet experience. By following this guide, you can maximize your Rainbow Points and enjoy the benefits of being part of the Rainbow community.

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Source: https://cryptoticker.io/en/ultimate-guide-to-joining-the-rainbow-airdrop/