Sui TVL Soars To $36.82M, Turbos Finance Leads Explosive Growth

Key Points:

  • Sui TVL has reached a record of $36.82M.
  • Turbos Finance experienced a remarkable 152% weekly TVL growth.
  • NAVI Protocol witnessed impressive 93.29% monthly TVL growth, while Cetus dominates with $12.1M in TVL.
Sui TVL has skyrocketed to $36.82 million, driven by explosive growth from Turbos Finance, NAVI Protocol, and the significant contributions of Cetus.

Sui has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in a remarkable turn of events. With a total value locked (TVL) of $36.82 million, Sui has reached an all-time high since its Mainnet launch in May. The surge in Sui TVL has been accompanied by explosive growth within specific projects in the ecosystem.

Over the past week, Turbos Finance, a hyper-efficient decentralized crypto marketplace built on Sui, experienced an astounding 152% increase in TVL. This surge highlights Turbos Finance as a significant contributor to Sui’s recent success.

Monthly TVL Growth Champion

NAVI Protocol, specializing in over-collateralized lending and borrowing for assets such as SUI, USDC, USDT, wETH, and wBTC, witnessed a remarkable 93.29% growth in TVL over the last 30 days. NAVI Protocol’s performance showcases its crucial role in the Sui ecosystem.

Impressively, Cetus, a pioneer DEX and concentrated liquidity protocol within the Sui ecosystem, accounts for one-third of the total $36.66 million in TVL. With $12.1 million in TVL, Cetus plays an essential role in satisfying the diverse needs of traders, liquidity providers, applications, and the growing DeFi community.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.
