Sui Levels Up Trading Functionality with Stork Pricing Oracle Link-Up

The team behind $2 billion-valued blockchain network Sui has partnered with niche oracle provider Stork to deliver ultra-fast pricing data to its users. The collaboration seeks to enhance access to key indexed values and derivative contract prices for traders and builders operating on Sui.


  • Sui blockchain has partnered with oracle provider Stork to offer real-time pricing data to builders and traders on its network.
  • Stork specializes in low-latency data delivery, providing updates on 80+ price feeds in milliseconds.
  • The data will help DEXs and lending protocols on Sui manage risk better via accurate perpetual swaps and options pricing.
  • Stork uniquely supplies mark prices to show a contract’s “true” value separately from index prices.
  • The collaboration aims to enhance speed and access to key data for developers building on the $2 billion-valued Sui blockchain.

Stork differentiates itself by specializing in low-latency data delivery relevant to trading venues. The oracle pushes updates on over 80 different price feeds in milliseconds, outpacing speeds from other decentralized data sources.

This sub-second delivery enables sophisticated risk management for trading protocols relying on timely data. DEXs and lending platforms on Sui can leverage Stork’s real-time feed to accurately administer perpetual swaps and options pricing.

Accurate pricing prevents severe losses from the liquidation of collateral when traders’s positions drop below margin coverage thresholds. These “ultra-low latency” capabilities support advanced trading functionality uniquely feasible on Sui’s high-performance architecture.

Supplying True Value Metrics

In addition to indexed rates, Stork provides proprietary mark prices showing the “true” value of contracts themselves. Mark pricing captures a real-time snapshot of an instrument’s fair value based on the oracle’s aggregated methodology.

The key distinction from indexed rates is mark prices intentionally smooth out price fluctuations and anomalies seen during periods of extreme volatility. This allows trading venues to better moderate margin coverage, risk limits and liquidation triggers based on actual contract value shifts.

Stork notes market prices present a first-of-its-kind offering among current DEXs in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Supporting this specialized metric highlights Sui’s focus on meeting the needs of professional-grade trading entities through oracle partnerships.

SOL/USD and BTC/USD indices, for example, show wider exchange rate averages. But they fail to reflect irrational swings seen during volatility spikes in isolated trading environments. Stork’s value pricing fills this observation gap.

Fueling Next-Generation Crypto Trading

As a layer-1 blockchain founded by former Meta engineers, Sui emphasizes high throughput, security and usability as pillar differentiators. The network reached mainnet status in March 2023 and currently holds over $300 million in total value locked.

Collaborating with Stork aligns with Sui’s priority of enabling sophisticated applications like trading venues previously impractical on first-generation blockchains. The engine under the hood now gets a nitro data boost through the oracle link-up.

With reliable pricing data transmitting at unmatched speeds, developers can build next-generation DeFi protocols for traders with unique needs. From complex options trades to leveraged positions, Stork and Sui offer the capabilities to make these innovative applications a reality.

The joint initiative underscores the growing symbiosis between specialized blockchains and tailored oracles in crypto’s evolution. As core infrastructure matures on both fronts, opportunities emerge to push functionality barriers even further.
