SubQuery Empowers Metis Developers with Comprehensive Data Support

SubQuery, a dynamic platform specializing in data indexing for blockchains, proudly announces its comprehensive support for Metis. This alliance intends to increase Metis developers’ skills by providing a sophisticated blockchain data administration and retrieval solution.

Metis Revolutionizes Ethereum Transactions with Layer 2 Innovation

Metis is a Layer 2 network with a unique Ethereum transaction technique. Metis aggregates and processes transactions off-chain before sending them back to Ethereum to boost scalability. Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) should become decentralised autonomous businesses (DACs). Metis DACs can manage payroll, projects, HR, and communications, in addition to governance.

Metis developers may now use SubQuery’s flexible, quick, and decentralized data indexing solution. Developers need this connection to manage and get on-chain data for protocols and apps. SubQuery simplifies backend operations and gives developers a bespoke API. Without investing on indexing solutions, they can focus on product development and user experiences.

Víctor Muñoz, Metis’ Developer Relations, is excited to include SubQuery’s multi-chain indexing technology into the heart of the company. He sees it as a breakthrough tool for developers, opening up a world of possibilities. SubQuery and Metis’ cooperation should spur community creativity and change.

SubQuery provides developers with a complete and effective indexing experience. In addition to the open-source SDK, tools, and documentation, SubQuery helps Metis with its high-level managed service for businesses, managing millions of daily queries. The upcoming SubQuery Network will provide Metis developers with another decentralized indexing option.

SubQuery CEO Sam Zou Highlights Seamless Integration with Metis

Founder and CEO of SubQuery, Sam Zou, highlighted the flawless integration of SubQuery’s data indexing solution into the Metis network as a vital step toward innovation and limitless prospects. The goal is to enable Metis developers to promote a digital revolution focused on producing amazing products that improve user experiences.

SubQuery simplifies dApp or smart contract API creation, providing ordered and searchable data in minutes. Allowing external API calls and library additions makes the platform versatile. SubQuery gives developers improved infrastructure project management, including automated DOS mitigation.

SubQuery’s powerful multi-threading and optimization algorithms reduce database writes, making it fast and efficient for indexing big ledgers. SubQuery and Metis work together to improve developers’ skills and foster decentralized ecosystem innovation. SubQuery’s indexing technology speeds up blockchain user integration and development, opening up new options.
