Stocks: Tesla, Nexi, Meta and Alibaba

This article will cover the latest news and analysis of Tesla, Nexi, Meta, and Alibaba stocks.


The American car company trades at €130.42, down slightly from the previous trading day (-1.72%).

Tesla’s earnings, bore unexpected but certainly welcome fruit in Texas. 

Tesla achieves earnings of $1.19 a share well above analysts’ estimate of $1.13, same fate for revenues that go to $24.32 billion compared to the expected $24.16.

The figures also reveal an overall improvement from last year with growth of seven billion dollars when compared to the same quarter in 2022 (up 37% from last year). 

What provided Elon Musk with such numbers were the data on car deliveries. 

405,000 electric vehicles set a record for the company and it coincides with the very year in which Musk opted for a price cut. 

Q4 net income came in at 3 69 billion US dollars, setting a 59% jump. 

“We are planning to ramp up production as fast as possible in line with overall growth. We know there are questions about the short-term impact of some measures related to the macroeconomic environment, especially interest rate hikes, but we are used to the challenges.”

The plan of Musk and co. is to continue with the spending review already in place and increase production by making the most of the gigafactories in Texas and Berlin. 

The target is production of 100,000 Model S and X per year and 1.8 million Model Y and Model 3 so as to meet 100% of market demands. 

Meanwhile, the electric company had 400,000 customers experience the ‘Fsd Beta,’ the world’s most innovative intelligent driver assistance system, and is enjoying the results of the fledgling Semi electric truck and is preparing to launch the Cybertruck pickup truck. 


Nexi reaches €8.00 dropping 1.77% from yesterday but this is a normal retracement after a +9% start to 2023. 

The shares are following a bullish trend and after a less than excellent 2021 and a 2022 that followed suit the stock seems to have finally woken up after a double low. 

Analysts believe NEXI can grow further and that, although slow, the rise will be lasting. 

The first target is set at €10.04 and the next at €13.55, which most believe will be feasible within the year.

According to the the majority of analysts, the company’s shares are undervalued and the market value would be at least 55% under. 


Zuckerberg’s metaverse company also retraces 1.81% to €130.00 after an excellent start to the year that saw it recover a 17.33%. 

The company is widely touted as being close to granting an ex-dividend to investors, and this news is arousing market interest. 

A tech company like Meta normally reinvests profits into growth but using some of it to pay dividends to shareholders would make the stock much more appreciated. 

If Meta goes in this direction, the market would take the decision favorably. 

According to Mark Mahaney of Ever:

“It’s inevitable that Alphabet and Meta will pay dividends given the amount of cash they have on their balance sheets and the profitability of their businesses.”

Meta currently has $42 billion that it could donate in this direction.  

According to insiders, it is only a matter of time. 


The Asian online sales giant in the last week rose to 116.30 HKD (+2.02%) but the surprising fact is that since the beginning of 2023 it has grown by 32.61%. 

Jack Ma, head and founder of the giant has relinquished control of Ant Group, an Alibaba subsidiary, and the news had already been leaked for days in The Wall Street Journal. 

The holding company also controls the B2B platform and Alipay.

The company’s note explained that:

“no shareholder, alone or with other parties, will control Ant Group, but, will appoint a majority of the board of directors.”

Ma himself will not have the control he had before and the board of directors will consist of 10 people with equal voting rights including the entrepreneur himself who will hold a 6.2% share.
