Enhances Chainlink Staking Program Ahead of Chainlink Staking v0.2

Delegated liquid staking protocol has set the blockchain world abuzz with its latest announcement of a significant expansion to its Chainlink staking program. This move marks a pivotal moment in the ecosystem as introduces a suite of new features and optimizations that are poised to solidify its status as the premier Chainlink staking solution. With these groundbreaking enhancements, aims to pave the way for a more accessible and efficient future in decentralized finance.

Features Aligned with Chainlink Staking Upgrade

The unveiling of these new features is strategically timed to coincide with the upcoming launch of Chainlink Staking v0.2, scheduled for Q4. One standout innovation among the array of enhancements developed by is the introduction of the “Priority Pool.” This revolutionary feature promises to deliver a seamless and highly efficient staking experience, enabling users to stake LINK tokens ahead of Chainlink’s capacity expansion from 25 million to 45 million tokens.

The Priority Pool essentially automates LINK staking on behalf of depositors, offering a “set and forget” approach to staking. When Blockchain Reporter asked them about the alignment of’s staking program with Chainlink’s broader objectives, particularly with the impending release of Chainlink Staking v0.2, the team emphasized its commitment to providing maximum economic security to the underlying Chainlink protocol.

By leveraging liquid staking and the Priority Pool mechanism, aims to ensure that the maximum amount of LINK tokens are staked in the Chainlink Staking protocol, while users retain the freedom to utilize their staked collateral without the need for withdrawal from the Chainlink ecosystem. “Matching that with 15 of the best Chainlink Node Operators and Web3 infrastructure providers within the industry provides a unique and win-win solution for users and network alike,” the team added.

A Major Leap in’s Tokenomics

Another notable development revealed by is the migration of stSDL (staked SDL) receipt tokens to reSDL (reward escrow SDL), represented as NFTs. This strategic move from aims to encourage long-term participation on the platform by providing increased boosts and governance votes to stakeholders.

Jonny Huxtable, a founding member of, shared his enthusiasm, stating, “This new major iteration of the platform brings revamped tokenomics and, for the first time, a set-and-forget LINK staking option. Never before has it been so easy for users to participate in Chainlink Staking, creating a dynamic that benefits both the economic security of the Chainlink Network and the long-term stakers of the native token: SDL. This major release marks a milestone for, seeing growth that will cement its position in the industry to support the next wave of major infrastructure advancements powered by the Chainlink Network.”

As per the Chainlink roadmap, the 20 million LINK tokens set to be available in the Chainlink staking pool in Q4 will be rolled out in three phases. Once phase three activates, LINK from the Priority Pool will be staked against the community pool, likely leaving less than 20 million LINK available for deposit. In this context, LINK holders of reSDL will receive priority over non-reSDL holders when participating in the Priority Pool staking process.

Innovative Enhancements and SergAI Launch

In an exciting move, has also revealed the upcoming launch of its AI-powered chatbot, “SergAI.” This chatbot, designed to be an expert in all things Chainlink and, will serve as a valuable resource for users seeking information and guidance on various aspects of the platform. When asked about the introduction of “SergAI” and its role in assisting users, the team emphasized its unique value proposition.

They stated, “It’s no secret that AI technology exploded onto the scene and really became mainstream towards the end of 2022 with the introduction of ChatGPT, which has lit a fire of innovation in the AI space ever since. To date, there’s not an AI bot on the market that specifically focuses on the Chainlink Network, and we’re proud to deliver that AI bot with the upcoming release of SergAI.”

They further elaborated on the importance of SergAI, noting that the Chainlink ecosystem boasts one of the largest followings in the blockchain space, resulting in a community with numerous questions and curiosities. SergAI’s mission is to provide comprehensive answers to queries related to, Chainlink, and various related topics, ranging from the history of Chainlink to navigating the platform and performing different functions.

Overall,’s announcement of new features and optimizations, alongside the impending launch of SergAI, marks a significant step forward in the Chainlink ecosystem. These developments promise to make Chainlink staking more accessible, efficient, and informative for users while contributing to the overall growth and security of the Chainlink Network. As Q4 approaches, the blockchain community eagerly anticipates the implementation of these groundbreaking enhancements.
