SPOs Can Run Cardano Nodes on Budget-Friendly PCs, Claims Charles Hoskinson

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Charles Hoskinson claims that Cardano nodes can be run on budget-friendly PCs costing less than $1,000.

One of the biggest advantages of blockchain technology is the promise of decentralization. This allows everyone to have a say in block validation within the network. Notwithstanding, most nodes on these networks are run with high-end computers, putting the less financially buoyant folks at a disadvantage.

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, claims that even the less financially privileged individuals can become Stake Pool Operators (SPOs) on the Cardano network. 

“The power of Cardano is that you can efficiently run a world financial operating system as an SPO on an $800 PC,” Hoskinson mentioned in a tweet Monday, as he shared a link to a Beelink Mini PC costing about $829 on Amazon.


The Personal Computer is powered by the Ryzen 9 5900HX processor from AMD, running on Windows 11 Pro, with 32GB DDR4 RAM installed and an NVMe SSD with a capacity of 500GB. This shows users can easily run Cardano nodes using this budget-friendly device.

The revelation has been received well by most proponents who have shared their opinion. Any interested participant can run Cardano nodes on a PC costing less than $1,000 as an SPO further contributes to the decentralization trend within the network, as less financially privileged individuals can afford to contribute to blocking validation.

To confirm Hoskinson’s claim, individuals mentioned that they already run nodes on the highlighted PC. Others claimed that they also run Cardano nodes on their low-cost gaming PCs.


Blockchain’s primary gift to the financial sector is decentralization – giving everyone an opportunity to have a say in transaction validation. Providing a means for the inclusion of the majority of interested parties further contributes to the materialization of the blockchain dream of decentralization.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/10/25/spos-can-run-cardano-nodes-on-budget-friendly-800-pcs-claims-charles-hoskinson/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=spos-can-run-cardano-nodes-on-budget-friendly-800-pcs-claims-charles-hoskinson