Sorting Out eCommerce Software With A Retail Tech Insider

Sorting Out eCommerce Software With A Retail Tech Insider

To me and other retail watchers, eCommerce software programs are akin to a “black box”—The experience of wading through the myriad of flashy and elaborate booths at any national retail tradeshow can be a migraine-inducing experience, even for knowledgeable industry insiders. The reality is that there’s so much tech out there it can be tough to determine what is going to move the needle.

The explosive growth of eCommerce over the past decade, complicated by pandemic disruption coupled with massive investments made by competing multinationals, has further entangled the selection process. Further, layer on the game-changing effects brought on by unified commerce (aka omnichannel) and you have a recipe that cannot be easily baked.

Finding the Right Stuff—and Right Mix

A broad generalization of the industry’s intent is to create a centralized, digital hub for product and customer data, while simultaneously allowing eCommerce businesses to manage product information, personalize store content and layout, and also process online transactions and payments.” Sounds straightforward enough, right? However, in an industry estimated to be worth about $6.8 billion in the U.S. alone, with a half-life measured in nanoseconds, it is anything but.

That is also why astute retailers often count on third party marketing agencies with the requisite “codes” and skills to properly pair their client’s eCommerce software needs with the aforementioned “right stuff.”

So Many Players, So Little Rhyme

As an eCommerce industry “scorekeeper,” G2 helps us remove some of the subjectivity in the choice making. They are a type of software listing exchange evaluating about 332 different eCommerce platforms (and counting), claiming “unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in their ratings and reports.” They utilize four different usability metrics to “score” the field that predict user satisfaction:

  1. Being a Good Business Partner, often determined by an agency.
  2. Rate of Extensibility, such as an app store.
  3. Ease of Decoupling resembling the “Legos” snap-together effect.
  4. Data Orchestration, or its level of efficiency.

To better understand which of the three-hundred-plus players fit where in terms of market penetration and integrated abilities, I turned to Jason Nyhus, President and GM at Shopware, and a fellow “Minneapolitan.”

The 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce recognized Shopware among the industry’s “Momentum Leaders” for the third consecutive year. The quadrant is re-evaluated annually, and inclusion is evidence of a vendor’s high significance in the industry, which was good enough for me.

Getting Schooled

According to my new industry shaman, eCommerce software runs the gamut from small business (SMB), typically ranging up to $20 million, to complex enterprise software companies generating more than $1 billion annually. There are several sub-categories in between with notable main players that dominate each of the bookended segments.

Shopify tends to dominate at the lower, $20 million and below group for instance, while BigCommerce is a lead player in the $1 billion and above club. It should also be noted that in Europe, Shopware is also a major player alongside BigCommerce.

Shopify’s dominance at the rich $20 million and under sector is an outgrowth of their ability to meet the small business retailer’s primary backend goals. Their offering is simple, cheap, offers mass-market features, and provides purchasing power for the consumer. The cost to the SMB, besides Shopify’s monthly use fees, typically ranges between 2.4% to 2.9% plus $0.30 per sale, which is manageable for most of them.

Muddle In the Upper-Middle

Players in the lucrative and very crowded software space between about $200 million and $500 million have undergone a great deal of acquisition and consolidation over the past decade. The superstars in this space-race are Salesforce, Adobe
, Oracle
, and SAP.

An alien descending from another planet and attending any one of the ginormous retail tradeshows like the National Retail Federation’s Big Show in New York City, or Shoptalk in Las Vegas, would be able to identify this power foursome by the amount of real estate that their tradeshow booths occupy, along with the glitziness of their presentations.

Bulking Up

For this foursome to enhance and differentiate their offerings over the past decade, each has been bulking up by acquiring complementary players, many of whom were early leaders in the eCommerce software space.

Back in 2010, Oracle was seeing the cross-commerce writing on the walls and ponied up $1 billion to buy software giant ATG. In 2013 SAP acquired hybris for $1.4 billion to deliver the “next generation” eCommerce platform. Then in 2016 Salesforce shelled out $2.8 billion to purchase Demandware, along with market data startup Krux for $700 million that same year. And in 2018 Adobe acquired market-leading eCommerce platform Magento for $1.68 billion to complete their commerce loop.

The Underserved

According to Shopware’s Nyhus, about half of the U.S. eCommerce market is represented by companies generating between $20 million and $200 million in sales. This “Goldilocks” group, as he puts it, are being ill or underserved in the marketplace.

“Their larger scale makes Shopify too costly, without offering the depth and flexibility that others offer,” he says. “And at the top-end of the spectrum, the biggest players offer more horsepower and complexity than the mid-market eCommerce retailers require.” This is Shopware’s sweet spot, and reason for their expansion into the U.S. market.

Shopware has built an open source (the source code is available to access and to modify) and a highly customizable offering used by some of the largest brands, retailers, and manufacturers across B2C, D2C and B2B industries and supported by a huge worldwide community of developers, agencies, tech partners and merchants.

Last February, Shopware announced that it had raised $95 million in growth capital, to further accelerate Shopware’s product innovation and expansion efforts. The investment for the Schöppingen, Germany based company comes from global investment firm Carlyle and PayPal

Again, it is all about that middle market, and it is the Shopware differentiator. Stefan Hamann, CEO and Co-founder of Shopware AG, leans in: “We offer a flexible, open solution for modern mid-market eCommerce, helping to empower merchants across the globe to build the exceptional.”
