SHIBBURN Shutdown Sparks Outrage: Shiba Inu Fans Demand Justice

SHIBBURN Shutdown Sparks Outrage: Shiba Inu Fans Demand Justice

In an unexpected turn of events that’s left the Shiba Inu community reeling, SHIBBURN, the trusted Shiba Inu burn tracker, has been abruptly suspended on Twitter. This sudden crackdown has left thousands of SHIBA fans scrambling for answers and demanding a thorough explanation from the social media giant.

SHIBBURN was blindsided by the allegation from Twitter’s developer portal that their app had breached rules and policies. The question on everyone’s lips, however, is what proof does Twitter have to back up these serious accusations?

A Cry for Transparency

Upon discovering their suspension, SHIBBURN immediately reached out to Twitter Support, Twitter Developer, Elon Musk, and Twitter’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino. They aired their grievances and confusion in a tweet, stating, “Our Twitter app was suspended a few hours ago, and we strongly believe this to be a mistake…we have been facing difficulties in submitting a support ticket as no form shows up.”

Adding to the confusion, SHIBBURN was promised an email with additional information regarding the suspension, but the promised email never arrived. This mysterious missing email has only fanned the flames of suspicion and mistrust.

This incident raises pertinent questions about Twitter’s moderation procedures. Is there a level playing field for all users, or are influential crypto accounts being unfairly targeted? These are questions that the community is demanding answers to, and soon.

A Community Rallies

With SHIBBURN’s invaluable updates and engagement abruptly severed, the Shiba Inu community is rallying around its beloved burn tracker. Their message is loud and clear: they won’t stand by and let their vital source of information be snuffed out without a fight.

The SHIBA INU community is now mobilizing to show their support and demand the reinstatement of SHIBBURN. Will Twitter respond to their calls for justice? Will influential figures like Elon Musk and Linda Yaccarino intervene on behalf of SHIBBURN? Only time will tell.
