Report Says Tron CEO Plans to Sell Huobi Stake: Justin Sun Defies

  • Justin Sun defies the report that stated he has been planning to sell a stake in Huobi.
  • Recent reports said that he has been discussing with potential investors to sell Huobi’s stake.
  • Sun stated that the report seems to be an April Fool prank.

Justin Sun, the business executive and founder of the blockchain DAO ecosystem Tron, refused to accept the claim presented by a recent report that he has been involved in discussions with potential investors to sell a stake in the crypto firm Huobi. He stated that Huobi is not seeking and “will not seek any buyers for Huobi”.

Recently, on April 1, the Televsion media Bloomberg reported that as per the words of a person familiar with the matter, the Tron founder has been conversing with the investors over the past week, planning to sell a stake in Huobi.

Though the person with the knowledge was reluctant to reveal his identity acknowledging the confidentiality of the matter, he stated that no further details regarding the move are known; it’s not clear whether the investors would move forward with the plan.

Immediately after the report, Sun retaliated via his official Twitter page that he “must deny the report that Huobi Global is seeking a stake buyer”, adding that it sounds like an April Fool prank:

Significantly, the crypto entrepreneur has been trying to establish Huobi’s trade worldwide by recruiting Chinese customers after a long period of the crypto ban in China. He revealed that the company has been facing huge tragedies over the past few months, losing almost $10 million per month.

Currently, responding to Bloomberg’s report, Sun, along with defying the claim, assured that the company has a sincere commitment to its customers, quoting:

Huobi is committed to providing our users with a safe, reliable, and innovative platform for trading and investing in cryptocurrency.

Notably, as per the report, Sun’s involvement with Huobi is mysterious; though he calls himself an “adviser” and denies owning any stock, he has contributed almost $200 million to the company.

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