Prisma Finance says $540K still at risk, hacker demands team reveal themselves

The decentralized borrowing protocol said there were still 14 accounts that have yet to revoke the affected smart contract that caused $11.6 million to be exploited last week.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) firm Prisma Finance says there’s still $540,000 of funds from accounts yet to revoke the smart contract responsible for last week’s $11.6 million exploit.

Meanwhile, the self-claimed “white hat” hacker behind the exploit says they will hold back the return of funds until the firm apologizes and reveals their team’s identity online.

In a “path forward” post on April 1, core contributor “Frank” said it will continue to chase for the return of funds, but the top priority is to unpause the protocol — but said it needed all users to ensure their wallets and positions were safe first.

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