Polkadot’s new proposal to slash unstaking time to 2 days

Polkadot’s new proposal to slash unstaking time to 2 days

Polkadot’s new RFC-0092 proposal aims to reduce the unstaking period from 28 days to just two days, enhancing user experience and maintaining network security.

Web3 Foundation (W3F) researchers have introduced a new Request for Comments (RFC-0092) proposal to reduce the unbonding periods for staked tokens on Polkadot.

The new mechanism proposes reducing the unstaking process from 28 days to as little as two days — geared toward improving user convenience and competitiveness without compromising security.

Related: Gavin Wood introduces JAM as Polkadot’s new hybrid transactionless blockchain model

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/polkadot-2-day-unstaking-proposal