Polkadot/Kusama Tops GitHub’s Daily Development Activity

  • Polkadot leads the GitHub daily development activity with 913 daily development activities.
  • Cardano ranks second in the metrics with 597 daily development activities.
  • Following the top two projects are Cosmos and Internet Computer in the third and fourth positions.

As of today, June 14, 2023, Polkadot/Kusama, the interoperability blockchain decentralized protocol, leads the GitHub daily development activity with 913 daily development activities. As released by the data provider, ProofOfGitHub, Cardano ranks second in the metrics with 597 daily development activities.

Following the top two projects are Cosmos and Internet Computer in the third and fourth positions. Both projects recorded 589 and 555 daily development activities, respectively. Other projects that joined the list of top daily development activities on GitHub include Hedera, Status, and Decentraland. Their respective daily development activities were 530, 505, and 496.

Completing the top ten projects in ProofOfGitHub’s daily development activities ranking are Chainlink, Chia Network, and Ethereum. They had 448, 444, and 415 daily development activities, respectively.

ProofOfGitHub’s data shows more work is ongoing within the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem than any other among the top blockchain projects. One of the respondents to ProofOfGitHub’s release acknowledged this under the data provider’s tweet. The respondent, with Twitter identity “The Kusamarian ” posted a reminder to a Polkadot discussion session scheduled for June 15, 2023.

The discussion session, Sama Days, will feature Bill Laboon, the Head of Education and Grants at Web3 Foundation. According to The Kusamarian, the community will host the discussion on Twitter Spaces, covering everything Polkadot, Kusama, Substrate, and more.

Cardano’s climb to the second spot is not a surprise, considering its recent ranking in social and market activities by LunarCrush. At the beginning of the week, Cardano’s social engagement metrics rose by 71.4% in less than 24 hours. It became the most discussed blockchain protocol among users on multiple social platforms.

Metrics like daily development activities and social engagements help users to gauge blockchain projects with potential viability at any given time. The ten projects in ProofOfGitHub’s list represent this class of projects for now.

Source: https://coinedition.com/polkadot-kusama-tops-githubs-daily-development-activity/