Multi-Chain L2 Boba Network (BOBA) Launches Brand Refresh Initiative

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Vladislav Sopov

Boba network (BOBA) completely revamps UI/UX of its Gateway and Bridge products to reaffirm its commitment to unparalelled user experience


  • Boba Network (BOBA) announces complete rewrite of UI/UX and brand identity
  • HybridCompute to supercharge new generation of Boba Network’s (BOBA) use cases

Boba Network (BOBA), the first-ever second-layer network that scales numerous EVM-compatible blockchains simultaneously, entered a phase of impressive rebranding and UI/UX reorganization. It is also aimed at bringing L2 blockchains to various use cases previously unexplored by Web3 protocols.

Boba Network (BOBA) announces complete rewrite of UI/UX and brand identity

Boba Network (BOBA), a multi-blockchain scaling solution, announces that it will completely revamp the UX/UI of its Gateway and Bridge products as well as the design of main website and other elements of its brand identity. The rebranding is set to symbolize the platform’s commitment to enhancing Web3 progress globally.

After the upgrade, Boba Network’s (BOBA) enhanced bridge mechanism guarantees fluid, secure and prompt interactions with all of its L1 partners. As covered by U.Today previously, in Q4, 2022, Boba Network (BOBA) became the first second-layer platform to launch on the top of Moonbeam (GLMR) and BNB Chain (BSC).

Also, Boba Network (BOBA) is going to release some user-friendly iterations of its new identity kit to its main website and social media channels.

Curtis Schlaufman, global head of marketing at Enya Labs and core contributor to the Boba Network, is excited about the role of the last rebranding in Boba Network’s (BOBA) marketing and development roadmaps:

Boba Network’s renewed visual identity goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is a reflection of Boba’s evolving commitment to both Web3 and the integration of traditional enterprise functionalities. Through the capabilities of HybridCompute™, Boba Network is not just adapting to an enterprise-centric approach but leveraging its power to redefine the boundaries of Web3. (…) This rejuvenation is a testament to Boba Network’s unwavering dedication to innovation and setting the pace for the future of Web3.

In 2023, Boba Network (BOBA) witnessed an unmatched growth in all of its metrics. For instance, in Q1 only, the number of transactions on it soared by over 10,000%.

HybridCompute to supercharge new generation of Boba Network’s (BOBA) use cases

In the coming months, Boba Network (BOBA) is planning to leverage its HybridCompute technology in various real-world use cases. For instance, it will empower smart contracts to seamlessly synchronize with enterprise-level data systems, from CRMs and ERPs to intricate workflows, thereby bridging the gap between classical enterprise functionalities and Web3’s vast potential.

With the rebranding, Boba Network (BOBA) is going to establish itself as a beacon for developers, lighting the path for the upcoming era of Web3 engineering.

It should also be noted that in recent weeks, Boba Network (BOBA) renewed all-time highs across all of its activity indicators thanks to partnerships with mainstream blockchain projects.
