Massa Labs All Set for Game-Changing Mainnet Launch Bringing Unparalleled Speed and Efficiency

As the Layer 1 war rages on, Massa Labs is also set to up the ante with the mainnet launch of its truly decentralized blockchain. The Massa mainnet went live on Jan. 15, marking the beginning of a new era of innovation and true decentralization in the world of blockchain. With its multithreaded technology, Massa is all set for mass adoption!

As the crypto ecosystem continues to grow and mature with applications being built for the masses, the space needs a foundation that can handle the upcoming traffic without buckling under it.

To address the grave issue of scalability, Massa utilizes a novel Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism that substantially increases the throughput by parallelizing block creation.

This public blockchain, which is built to be scalable, efficient, and secure, boasts up to 10,000 transactions per second.

In addition to offering a platform to cater to the mass audience right before the next bull run, Massa offers autonomous smart contracts, which can be programmed to execute autonomously without the need for any external triggers or oracles. 

Massa’s smart contracts are written in TypeScript, a popular programming language familiar to many developers, hence offering a developing-friendly environment to deploy diverse and innovative decentralized applications (dApps).

These dApps, ranging from DeFi, NFTs, gaming, insurance claims, supply chain management, and DAOs to real estate, can be hosted entirely on the Massa blockchain, reducing the exposure to centralized services.

Starting Monday, developers can turn these exciting ideas into reality as the network takes its very first steps in the live environment. This will mark the genesis of the new network, kickstarting block production, airdrop, and staking.

Through staking, you can secure the network’s future while earning rewards, with early stakers standing to earn the most. The minimum requirement for staking is 100 MAS, which will get you one unit of staking rights. Those with over 100 coins can also transition to node runners and, by staking, can enjoy the benefits of being the network’s early supporters, which includes airdrops. 

On Monday, Massa will also begin airdropping 8% of MAS’s total supply of 1 billion to thousands of node runners who successfully participated in the testnet.

MAS is the native token of the network, which aims to achieve a Nakamoto coefficient of over 1,000 to ensure the decision-making power is widely distributed across the community. With this, the project’s goal is to limit the influence of early insiders and VCs.

The Massa mainnet has gone  live to address the scalability challenges that are hindering the blockchain space with its breakthrough tech to advance widespread adoption while promoting true decentralization, early supporters will be incentivized to drive innovation. 

And as the project prepares for a public sale, exchange listings, bridging with other networks, and ecosystem expansion, it’s a great time for crypto enthusiasts to join Massa’s commitment to innovation, security, and community!
