Marginfi Review: Solana’s Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform

Marginfi is a cutting-edge lending and borrowing project on the Solana blockchain. With a focus on enhancing capital efficiency for SOL token holders, the platform facilitates the borrowing and lending of various liquid staking assets. Today, let’s learn about this project with Coincu through the article Marginfi Review.
MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform

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What is marginfi?

Marginfi is a decentralized lending protocol on Solana, offering users a unique and fully permissionless lending and borrowing experience while prioritizing robust risk management.

Marginfi sets itself apart from other platforms by adopting a “fully permissionless” protocol, allowing users unrestricted access to its services without the need for approval.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform

The Solana-based lending and borrowing platform utilizes Oracle price feeds from reputable sources like Pyth and Switchboard. This integration ensures precision and security in assessing the value of assets and debts, creating a transparent and reliable environment for users engaging in financial activities.


One key advantage of Marginfi is its elimination of intermediaries in the borrowing and lending process. Users can directly borrow and lend cryptocurrencies from their wallets, streamlining transactions and reducing associated costs. This decentralized approach enhances transparency, as all activities occur on-chain, promoting a trustful ecosystem for participants.

Next, this MarginFi Review article will delve into the project’s products.

Products of Marginfi

Marginfi, with a focus on innovation and user-centric services, boasts a range of features, including lending, borrowing, staking, swapping, bridging, reward points, and an enticing referral program.

Lending & Borrowing

At the core of Marginfi’s offerings is its support for borrowing and lending across more than 23 different types of assets. Notably, the platform distinguishes itself by facilitating the lending and borrowing of various liquid staking assets tied to SOL tokens, such as JitoSol, mSol, bSol, and stSol.

Lending Mechanism:

Users, known as lenders, deposit assets like Sol and USDC into Marginfi’s pool. These assets serve as the pool from which borrowers draw.

Borrowers are required to deposit a collateral amount exceeding the borrowed sum. This collateral acts as a guarantee, ensuring the borrower’s commitment to repaying the loan.

Borrowers bear interest on their loans, and this interest is shared between the lender and Marginfi. Different pools offer varying interest rates.

In a risk scenario where the borrower’s loan approaches a critical threshold (e.g., a significant decrease in collateral value), Marginfi reserves the right to liquidate the collateral, ensuring the lender’s pool is replenished. Users are alerted through a liquidation health bar on the interface.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Lending & Borrowing

Notably, Marginfi employs Pyth Oracle price feeds for real-time market token prices. The project’s choice of Pyth stems from its recognized safety and reliability. Marginfi goes a step further by implementing stringent checks on price obsolescence, minimizing the risk of erroneous price information. With a maximum 60-second price-out-of-date period, the platform ensures that price data is current and accurate.

Beyond Pyth, Marginfi integrates Switchboard Oracle for assets not supported by Pyth. Switchboard, mirroring Pyth’s features, employs a similar confidence interval methodology to ensure precise and secure asset valuation.


Marginfi’s Stake feature allows users to stake Sol tokens and earn LST tokens, a liquid staking token offering an attractive interest rate of 8.77%. Users can utilize these LST tokens to participate in lending activities on the platform, providing a seamless approach to optimizing their capital efficiency.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Stake


The Swap feature on Marginfi is seamlessly integrated with Jupiter’s platform, streamlining the swapping process for users. Rather than accessing the wallet link on Jupiter, users can execute swaps directly through Marginfi’s user interface, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Swap


Integrated with Mayan’s bridge product, Marginfi facilitates the seamless transfer of assets between different blockchains. This Bridge feature ensures that users can efficiently navigate and transfer their assets across diverse blockchain networks.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Bridge

Points and Referral Program

Marginfi introduces a unique Points system to measure users’ contributions to the platform. Users can accumulate points by engaging in various activities, such as lending, borrowing assets, and referring new users.

Referral Mechanism

  • Referring New Users: Users earn points by successfully referring new users to Marginfi. Upon a successful referral, the referrer receives 10% of the points earned by the new user, without any deduction from the new user’s points.
  • Extended Referral Rewards: The referrer also has the opportunity to earn 10% of 10% of the points earned by the new user for their referrals. This cascading reward structure encourages a network effect as more users refer others.

Earning Points through Activities

  • Lending and Borrowing: Engaging in lending and borrowing activities on Marginfi allows users to earn points. Each dollar loaned earns 1 point per day, while every dollar borrowed accumulates 4 points per day. This scoring system encompasses the capital provided as collateral for opening a loan.
MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Points

Marginfi’s unique Point and Referral Program not only incentivize user participation but also foster a community-driven ecosystem where contributions are duly recognized and rewarded. As users explore the diverse features of Marginfi, the platform continues to shape the future of decentralized finance with innovation and inclusivity.

Features of Marginfi

Setting itself apart, Marginfi supports a staggering array of more than 20 asset types, providing users with a plethora of options for both borrowing and lending. Notably, the platform facilitates borrowing and lending of liquid staking assets, with a focus on SOL tokens, thereby empowering SOL users to optimize their capital efficiency.

Recognizing the pivotal role played by oracle services in the DeFi ecosystem, Marginfi has implemented a robust approach. Utilizing the services of both Pyth and Switchboard simultaneously, the platform ensures accurate data crucial for lending activities. This dual oracle strategy minimizes the risk of erroneous data leading to the liquidation of user assets.

In a move aimed at streamlining user experience, Marginfi has seamlessly integrated swap and bridge products from other leading projects. This integration enhances the platform’s versatility, offering users a holistic DeFi experience without the need to navigate between multiple platforms.

Security is paramount in the DeFi space, and Marginfi leaves no room for compromise. The platform has undergone a thorough audit by Ottersec, a reputable third-party security auditor. This audit ensures that Marginfi’s products adhere to the highest security standards, instilling confidence in users and fostering a secure environment for their assets.

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Highlights of Marginfi

MarginFi distinguishes itself by incorporating advanced risk tiers and a robust risk engine to safeguard investments. The platform employs Squads, a multisig program control, ensuring an extra layer of security for users. This commitment to security aligns with the growing concerns surrounding the safety of digital assets within the DeFi space.

At the core of MarginFi’s appeal is its commitment to providing investors with potential returns through groundbreaking lending mechanisms. Unlike some speculative opportunities, MarginFi focuses on stability, making it an attractive option for investors seeking reliable returns in the often-volatile world of DeFi.

As MarginFi continues to drive growth within the DeFi sector, it faces the intricate challenges posed by Solana’s infrastructure. The need for meticulous token management becomes paramount in navigating these complexities. The platform’s proactive approach to addressing these challenges underscores its dedication to sustainable growth and long-term success.

How Marginfi works

Marginfi not only facilitates the lending of supported tokens and coins with competitive interest rates but also provides borrowing options for users in need of funds.

Lending Interest Rates

Marginfi empowers users to earn interest by depositing supported tokens and coins into its protocol. The interest rates are determined by the interest paid by borrowers on the platform and are typically expressed as Annual Percentage Yield (APY). This innovative approach allows users to passively grow their crypto holdings through lending activities on the Marginfi platform.

Borrowing Interest Rates

Users seeking to borrow funds on Marginfi will encounter specific fees, varying based on the types of assets supported by the platform. These fees are expressed as Annual Percentage Rates (APR), with the specific percentage for each loan asset type prominently displayed on the Marginfi web interface. This transparent fee structure provides clarity and ensures borrowers are informed about the costs associated with their transactions.

Liquidity Incentive Program (LIP)

Marginfi introduces a unique feature, the Liquidity Incentive Program (LIP), designed to encourage users to commit to long-term deposits. This program enhances deposit interest rates during a lock-in period, offering users an opportunity for increased returns on their investments.

It’s important to note that the amount a user commits to the LIP program may be subject to a lock-in period, as determined by the selected LIP campaign. This information is transparently presented to users during the initial setup steps, fostering a clear understanding of their commitment.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Liquidity Incentive Program

Additionally, it’s crucial for users to be aware that LIP deposits cannot be utilized as collateral for borrowing, ensuring the separation of these distinct features on the Marginfi platform. Notably, the lock-in periods for the LIP program cannot be modified once campaigns are initiated, providing a secure and consistent experience for users engaging with this innovative feature.

Liquidation Fee Structure

When loans reach their liquidation time without repayment, Marginfi employs a third-party liquidation service to automatically liquidate the outstanding loan based on the customer’s initial commitment. This process, aimed at maintaining financial integrity, not only benefits the liquidator but also incurs penalties for the borrower.

Currently, liquidation penalties, liquidator fees, and insurance fund fees are standardized on the Marginfi protocol. However, these fees can be customized for each specific asset type. The breakdown of fees is as follows:

  • Fine for Liquidated Person: 5% of the value of collateral assets at the time of liquidation.
  • Liquidator Fee: Of the 5% penalty, the liquidator receives 2.5% of the value of the liquidated assets.
  • Insurance Fund Fee: Similarly, the insurance fund receives 2.5% of the value of the liquidated assets.

This transparent breakdown ensures accountability and fairness in the liquidation process.

Insurance Fund Contribution

Marginfi maintains specific insurance funds for each asset, ensuring robust financial backing. These funds are generated in two ways:

  1. Borrower Contributions: When users borrow through Marginfi, a portion of the fees they pay contributes to the insurance fund. Presently, this fee stands at 0% for all asset types, except for BONK.
  2. Liquidation Guarantees: In the event of a user’s position being liquidated, the asset insurance fund steps in, collecting 2.5% of the value of the liquidated assets. This mechanism provides an additional layer of security, strengthening the overall risk management strategy.

Marginfi’s roadmap

In addition to establishing mrgn points—a digital means of measuring a user’s contribution to the success of the mrgn ecosystem—the project is now adding a significant number of tokens to enable users to borrow.

Marginfi’s team

MarginFi is developed by Mrgn Labs led by industry luminary Edgar Pavlovsky.

Edgar Pavlovsky is a seasoned programmer and entrepreneur who embarked on his career journey at Goldman Sachs, where he honed his skills during a two-year tenure. Following this, Pavlovsky took a unique detour, assuming the role of game director for the Major League Quidditch project, showcasing his versatility in various professional domains.

MarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending PlatformMarginFi Review: Solana's Unique Asset Diversification Lending Platform
MarginFi Review: Edgar Pavlovsky

A distinguished alumnus of Utal University, Pavlovsky has cultivated extensive expertise in pivotal roles across diverse sectors. His professional trajectory includes founding multiple successful companies, with notable contributions in the realms of machine learning, data science, and the management of machine learning operations.

Pavlovsky’s professional journey continued to evolve as he joined Uber in July 2017, contributing his skills to the realm of Data Science. In November 2018, he transitioned to the Strave project, focusing on the intricate field of Machine Learning. The year 2019 marked a significant milestone when Pavlovsky co-founded the Jia project in October, subsequently orchestrating its acquisition by Acquired. Shortly thereafter, Mrgn Labs, under Pavlovsky’s visionary leadership, was established in December 2021.

Investors and Partners

The company behind Marginfi is called MRGN and the team was founded in October 2021. MarginFi has successfully raised $3 million in funding in the seed round with the participation of Multicoin Capital and Pantera Capital with the goal of building the first Cross-Margining mechanism on the Solana platform.

Marginfi officially launched on February 23, and in September of the same year, it also introduced the LST liquidity staking product, which received positive market response and attracted several new funds and users. The project is yet to release a token and there are high expectations about its airdrop in the market.

Conclusion of MarginFi Review

Unlike its counterparts, MarginFi has not yet introduced tokens to the market. Instead, the project features a distinctive Point scoring system, intricately tied to user interactions with the platform.

The project’s “skin in the game” initiative offers users an inviting opportunity to actively engage and potentially secure a spot in upcoming airdrops. By actively participating and contributing to the platform’s growth, users can position themselves for prospective token rewards in the future. Hopefully, the MarginFi Review article has helped you get more information about the project.

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