LUNC Pundit Advises Terra Classic Community to Spread Delegations Across Validators to Improve Decentralization

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A Terra Rebels member has advised the LUNC community to distribute delegations proportionately across validators to make the network more decentralized.

The Terra community has shown a renewed interest in LUNC following the asset’s new hope of revival. Consequently, the community and developers seek to eschew past mistakes and enact measures that ensure a more robust decentralized network.

While the project is still on its path to complete revival, it has received attacks and criticisms, which the community is looking to address. One of these is the minimum number of delegations needed for a validator to attain 33% veto power.

Terra Rebels advised the LUNC community to ensure that they spread their delegations proportionately amongst validators. This should mitigate the concentration of delegations on a select few validators, thereby reducing monopoly amongst this select few.

Additionally, the action will help increase the minimum number of delegations a validator will need to attain the 33% veto power on proposals. According to him, a threshold of 10 should be decent for a start. 

“What he is saying in his way is Luna Classic Community spread your LUNC delegations across validators to increase the minimum number needed to reach 33% veto power; 10 would be a good start. Smaller validators like @TerracVita can defend the veto Governance Matters,” Rex noted in a tweet Thursday.


Rex’s remarks came in response to previous concerns of centralization by Terra informant FatMan. 

Recall that a LUNC developer by the name of Tobias “Zarader” Andersen recently insinuated that he was in charge of the LUNC core code in an attempt to quell the community’s fears of further LUNC mints as a way to repeg USTC. 

Zarader’s claim raised concerns about centralization, which Rex sought to address. According to Rex, no individual is in charge of Terra Classic codes but the community. Rex highlighted that the community votes on proposals, and they have chosen to reject a dictatorship and a centralized approach.

Notwithstanding, FatMan attempted to debunk these decentralization claims by highlighting that three LUNC validators have enough power to veto proposals, as he shared a shot detailing the LUNC community voting power distribution. The dashboard indicated a concentration of voting power amongst a select few.


While FatMan’s remarks were an attempt to criticize the LUNC community, Rex chose to leverage the criticism to propagate a crucial piece of advice to the community. 

The LUNC revival plan remains on track despite recent attacks from individuals who believe the asset will crash again, most notably David Gokhshtein, who recently called the community nuts for believing LUNC will rise to $1. Recall that Gokhshtein expressed his excitement over the LUNC roadmap despite his constant criticism.

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