Logan Paul to ‘buy back’ CryptoZoo NFTs a year after promising refunds

The program would give NFT holders 0.1 ETH for each eligible NFT, but they would also need to waive any current or future claims against Paul.

YouTuber and social media influencer Logan Paul is set to refund certain disgruntled investors of his once ambitious CryptoZoo nonfungible token (NFT) game — a year after he promised NFT buyers recourse. 

Logan said the “buy back” program will be funded by $2.3 million he is personally committing and will involve buying back Base Eggs and Base Animals at the original purchase price “for every person who intended to play CryptoZoo.”

CryptoZoo was a never-released play-to-earn game allowing players to buy, sell, breed and trade “exotic animals” (represented as NFTs) with crypto. Paul first announced it in August 2021.

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/logan-paul-launch-crypto-zoo-nft-refund-lawsuit-co-creator