LBank Interviews youngest Web3 builder at ETHDenver

12-year-old Jared Qin was the youngest blockchain developer to participate in ETHDenver’s BUIDLathon. On March 4, an attending delegation of global crypto exchange LBank enjoyed the privilege of spending some time with the talented youngster.

Donned in freshly gifted LBank swagger, the teenager takes a seat in one of the podcast recording booths at ETHDenver and doesn’t hesitate to kick things off. “I’ve been learning Python for four years and can already create some tiny products. However, smart contracts in Web3 are some of the most important tech pieces in the space, so about a year ago, I started learning Solidity to be able to program those,” Jared begins.

Besides being a budding programmer, Jared is also a graphic designer and public speaker. The juvenile Web3 enthusiast recently competed at a hackathon project organized by ETHDenver. Jared worked on VorDynamic with his teammates, 13-year-old fellow “buidler” and NFT artist Carrie and 14-year-old programmer and developer Kai. This platform for teens would allow users to present themselves via NFTs. Through this service, kids will be able to create an expressive resume to apply for summer camps and middle schools. 

Jared was introduced to NFTs by his sister. “I visited OpenSea and got hooked on browsing NFTs. Eventually, I got extremely obsessed with NFTs. Ultimately, I also got into Web3 and kept finding cool things happening around the space,” he explains. Jared’s father, a software engineer and developer, partially homeschooled the young prodigy. “I was bored in class ever since third grade because I already knew all the materials of my teachers,” Jared says. He also spent a year learning math in China because “Chinese math skills are OP”, the teen jokes.

Despite his young age, Jared takes Web3 extremely seriously, because the community never hesitated to take him seriously. “Web3 is such an open community. In other spaces, children are never taken seriously from the get-go. I’m very moved by this and will try my best to get my generation into Web3,” Jared says. In the future, Jared hopes he can start his own Web3 company where he can continue to build, but also educate people about decentralized technology.

Finally, the team asked the young talent about his opinion on LBank and got some insightful advice. “I’m really interested in LBank’s programs. You guys have a good ecosystem going. I’m not into tokens like cryptocurrencies, but I noticed most centralized exchanges are not looking enough towards games and entertainment tokens, which LBank invests a lot in. I would definitely keep doing that,” Jared concluded. 

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.
