Injective Launches Solana and Cosmos Compatible EVM

Injective has introduced the first-ever Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that has the capability of achieving true composability across Cosmos and Solana. The newly launched product is dubbed inEVM.

inEVM to Benefit Ethereum Developers

Notably, the inEVM network was built in collaboration with Caldera, a Layer-2 rollup infrastructure that is greatly supported by Sequoia. The launch of this Solana and Cosmos-compatible EVM comes with a number of benefits including providing Ethereum (ETH) developers with unrivaled access to Injective’s global network as well as its customer base.

This guarantees access to several novel opportunities which would help them expand the reach of their respective protocols. Leveraging a parallelized structure, instant transaction finality, a modular toolkit, shared liquidity, and composability across the Cosmos IBC universe alongside Solana, the inEVM promises to provide ultra-fast speed to developers.

Eric Chen, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Injective Labs cited that the inEVM will enable ETH developers to effortlessly deploy applications across Injective rollups and at the same time, tap into an expansive network of users and liquidity.

He acknowledged that it marks a significant stride forward for the Web3.0 ecosystem especially as it helps developers maximize the benefits of an optimized infrastructure stack without being hindered by barriers between networks.

Injective Brings Innovation to Reality

When developers eventually launch their Decentralized Applications (DApps) on the inEVM, these DApps would be able to compose directly with Cosmos and Solana applications. Eventually, builders/developers on the inEVM layer will be able to achieve both inter and intra-EVM compatibility. 

In the long run, this will help to either eradicate or mitigate the challenges faced by several developers. They would be privy to a more seamless development experience that is not characterized by traditional complexities and barriers.

Noteworthy, this is not Injective’s first time of launching an innovative solution. The protocol is globally recognized for driving innovations and pioneering ground-breaking technologies in the field of Web3.0. 

Prior to the launch of inEVM, Injective was released in SVM (formerly known as “Cascade”), the first Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) roll-up solution integrated into the larger Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) ecosystem. 

It is clear that Injective is dedicated to fostering innovation in the Web3.0 ecosystem using similar strategies that other platforms like Cardano, Filecoin, and Telos are also employing. 

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Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture. Follow him on Twitter, Linkedin

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