Happy Birthday, Satoshi! – CoinGeek

Today is the birthday of the inventor of Bitcoin, Dr. Craig Steven Wright, aka Satoshi Nakamoto.

While Dr. Wright is a man of many accomplishments, including racking up academic qualifications at a staggering pace and filing many thousands of patents, it’s his invention of Bitcoin that will etch his name in history.

Bitcoin is the world’s first scalable peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It allows instant, low-fee transactions to be made between any two parties on earth, and while it has already changed the world, its full potential has not yet been understood. Unlike the anarchists and other idealists before him, Dr. Wright figured out the electronic cash puzzle, and Bitcoin won the race.

Dr. Wright has spoken at length about his vision for his invention: that it will cut out parasitic tech overlords, return data to its true owners, empower creators, shake up industries, and help the world’s poorest people engage in commerce. Microtransactions will enable all of this and more, and it’s thanks to Dr. Wright’s tenacity, determination, and steadfastness in the face of intense adversity that the original Bitcoin (BSV) still exists.

Despite creating the most important invention in recent history, Dr. Wright remains a humble, generous man. Describing himself as an “eternal student,” his ever-growing list of Master’s degrees and PhDs is a testament to his thirst for knowledge, which he shares readily with those seeking to understand Bitcoin, economics, philosophy, or just about any other topic he has studied.

While Dr. Wright’s enemies have attempted to smear his image, painting him as a big bad capitalist out to steal what Satoshi Nakamoto gave freely to the world, the exact opposite is true. Bitcoin is Dr. Wright’s lifework, and he deserves both the credit for it and the right to define it.

As the truth about Bitcoin comes to light in the next few years, the world will understand how, in the words of Dr. Wright’s friend Stefan Matthews, it is merely a wheel while he has invented a car. The Metanet, a new network based on peer-to-peer transactions and micropayments, will begin to take shape, and the world will understand the brilliance of the mind behind all of this.

Thank you, Dr. Wright, for inventing Bitcoin and for fighting tooth and nail to ensure the forces of darkness could not kill it. We know who you are, we support your vision, and we will continue to build on Bitcoin and educate the world about its true capabilities.

Happy Birthday, Satoshi. Here’s to many more!

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.

Source: https://coingeek.com/happy-birthday-satoshi/