Get Ready for The Next Bull Wave with Uniglo (GLO), Cronos (CRO), and FTX (FTT)

Binance is home to many experts and seasoned crypto users who watch the market closely for any worthwhile developments. According to one Binance insider, the next bull wave is coming. When the wave hits the crypto market, holders of Cronos (CRO) and

FTX (FTT) could be placed in an excellent position. The insider also notes that the crypto market could be seeing the rise of a new decentralized finance (DeFi) player, Uniglo (GLO), in the next bull run.

Cronos (CRO)

The upcoming bull wave will be rewarding for holders of the Cronos token, CRO. Cronos was the first EVM-compatible chain that had been built on Cosmos. This chain provides an instant port for decentralized applications (DApps) from ethereum