Elon Musk Questions Vitalik Buterin’s Departure from X 

Elon Musk, the entrepreneur behind SpaceX and Tesla, has openly questioned Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of

, about his noticeable absence from X (formerly Twitter). The conversation started with a tweet from the X account Autism Capital, positing that Buterin’s engagement on X could significantly benefit Ethereum’s standing in social media’s ongoing “culture war” of social media. 

The tweet argued that instead of secluding himself on Farcaster, a niche platform favoured by cryptocurrency enthusiasts, Buterin should leverage his influence on the more populous X to engage with a broader audience. Elon Musk, responding to Autism Capital’s viewpoint, succinctly asked, “Why did he leave?” 

Buterin’s Shift: From X to Farcaster

Vitalik Buterin has been an active participant on Farcaster, a platform he has praised for its usability and innovative features such as “Frames” and support for cryptocurrency addresses like

. With about 180,000 followers on Farcaster, Buterin has found a new home for his thoughts and interactions, especially those centred around cryptocurrency.

Despite Buterin’s substantial following on Farcaster, his presence on X, boasting over 5.2 million followers, represents a significantly larger platform. However, his engagement on X has diminished as Farcaster became his primary channel for communication, leading to speculations and discussions about the impact of this shift on Ethereum’s visibility and influence.

Source: https://blockchainreporter.net/elon-musk-questions-vitalik-buterins-departure-from-x/