Dogecoin ($DOGE) or Domini ($DOMI)? Distinguishing Real Potential from Hype


Investors from Elon Musk’s “favorite” cryptocurrency seem to have caused him trouble as the lawsuit against him from Dogecoin’s ($DOGE) investors continues.

On the other hand, innovative projects like Domini ($DOMI) are bringing technological solutions to traditional problems in the art market. But before we dive into Domini ($DOMI), let’s talk more about Dogecoin ($DOGE), one of the top altcoins in terms of social media presence.


Dogecoin’s ($DOGE) Bull Rally Turns Around as $DOGE Suffers Losses

Almost exactly a month ago, Twitter was infamously rebranded to X. Following this rebrand, there were rumors of Dogecoin’s ($DOGE) involvement in the future of the platform as a payment system. This gave Dogecoin ($DOGE) significant positive momentum around the time, with a surge between July 24 and 26. However, like most of Doge’s rallies, the boost turned out to be temporary, as the recent price action shows. 

The recent price fluctuations may also be related to the ongoing Dogecoin (DOGE) investors vs. Musk lawsuit. On August 9, Musk’s attorney argued that the lawsuit had been dragged on for too long. This comment comes after the Dogecoin ($DOGE) lawsuit was amended for the third time in June with new allegations against Musk. 

Since the rebranding surge around July 24, Dogecoin ($DOGE) fell by about 10% from $0.082 to $0.074. Furthermore, between August 9 and August 15, Dogecoin ($DOGE) fell in price by around 1% from $0.075 to $0.074. 

So overall, it looks like the price surge Dogecoin ($DOGE) enjoyed has come to an end with a price correction. As a result, $DOGE may not be a good crypto to buy at the moment. Investors should keep an eye on Elon Musk’s moves to decide when to invest next.


Meanwhile, investors might want to take a look at Domini ($DOMI) instead.

Domini ($DOMI) Sets Out to Connect Blue Chip Art to Retail Investors  

Domini ($DOMI) is the combination of cryptocurrency/ NFT solutions and the age-old art market

Before solutions like Domini ($DOMI), if you wanted to buy exquisite art, you needed a large sum of capital. And sometimes, even with considerable capital, blue-chip artworks were simply too far out of reach for most people. Moreover, once bought, the artwork was not as liquid and required a degree of effort to convert back into cash. 

Meanwhile, the art market provides investors with an average of around 7.6% in returns and has a huge global market worth around $1.7 trillion. But it needs to evolve. Domini ($DOMI) is that evolution. It brings the concept of fractions and irrefutable digital ownership into the mix

Domini ($DOMI) divides artworks into a bunch of fractionated NFTs. This means multiple people can own parts of the same piece of art. Following this process, a large number of lower-ticket investors can outbid a few higher-ticker investors using Domini ($DOMI). Therefore, the art market evolves into a tool for the masses with Domini ($DOMI) rather than a walled garden for the more privileged. 

If you invest in Domini ($DOMI) via its presale now, you are entitled to exclusive benefits like personalized recommendations for the best NFTs to buy, promotional discounts, and invites to special events. 

Plus, by the time the presale is over, you could benefit from a massive price surge of 240% from Domini’s ($DOMI) current price of $0.0035 to $0.0154! 

For Info about $DOMI, visit the Domini presale or Join the Community
