DIA Unveils Lumina Testnet, Revolutionizing Oracle Architecture for Web3

The open oracle network DIA has recently announced Lumina, a completely reimagined oracle architecture. As per DIA, the Lumina will soon launch on its testnet, with a focus on addressing the persistent deficiency of actually trustless and decentralized data infrastructure for Web3. It also aspires to establish exclusive oracle standards, while increasing the local token $DIA’s utility.

DIA Lumina Enables Innovative Oracle Functionalities Like Data Delivery, Processing, and Verification

Lumina leverages modular components to enable the most cutting-edge Oracle functionalities. They take into account delivery, processing, storage, and verification. Notably, the crucial oracle operations of Lumina are all conducted on Lasernet (the local L2 rollup of DIA). This is an architecture decision focusing on the utilization of the latest advancements within the scaling technology of Ethereum.

The approach regarding modular architecture reimagines trust suppositions at the value chain’s each stage. Staking mechanisms provide a network of distributed nodes for sourcing rare trade data. This data comes from more than a hundred decentralized and centralized exchanges and secures contributions to the ecosystem via $DIA. The platform added that, with Zero-Knowledge components, it will carry out the raw data verification.

The price data that each node delivers and the final price’s computation witness storage on Lasernet. It guarantees a scalable, immutable, and transparent layer for processing on-chain. Ultimately, a decentralized messaging forum delivers the data to the chain while there is a requirement. Even before this, DIA has obtained a substantial position among the most transparent and versatile cross-chain oracles.

It has reportedly integrated with more than fifty L2s and L1s and serves data to more than two hundred dApps. Additionally, it has a specialty in the delivery and sourcing of modifiable data feeds in the case of off-chain and on-chain information. Zygis Marazas, the Head of Product at DIA has also commented on this. According to the official, Lumina denotes the culmination of 4 years of infrastructure innovation in Web3.

The Project Lays the Foundation Stone for a Wider Trustless and Decentralized Oracle Network

Lumina reportedly establishes the foundation for a broader vision to offer a trustless, and decentralized network of oracles. The official added that such a network would maximize trust and security while maintaining flexibility for serving all use cases.

Source: https://blockchainreporter.net/dia-unveils-lumina-testnet-revolutionizing-oracle-architecture-for-web3/