Concerns mount over Ethena USDe’s promise of 27% yield following mainnet launch

The attractive yield opportunity is causing widespread concern in the crypto community.

Update Feb. 20, 1:05 pm UTC:  Quotes added from CEO of Kima. 

Cryptocurrency investors took to X to express their concern about the staking yield of Ethena Labs’ newly launched stablecoin.

Ethena Labs launched its USDe stablecoin on the public mainnet on Feb. 19, according to an X post from the company’s official page. The USDe Ethereum-based synthetic dollar currently offers a 27.6% annual percentage yield (APY), according to Ethena Labs’ homepage. This is considerably higher than the 20% yield offered by Anchor Protocol on Terra’s UST before the algorithmic stablecoin issuer Terra collapsed in May 2022.

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