Bitget exchange launches Index Futures

Bitget, the crypto-exchange of copy trading, has launched Index Futures with aggregated market indicators as a way to reduce risk exposure.

Bitget and Index Futures with low risk aggregated market indicators

Bitget‘s popular crypto-exchange has just launched a new product: index futures with aggregated market indicators.

This is a service for trading native futures contracts designed to attract investors looking for relatively low-risk return instruments based, precisely, on aggregated market indicators.

This means that when Index Futures trading takes place, the transaction is equivalent to buying and selling a package of tokens that track a particular index and can therefore help reduce risk exposure and diversify portfolios.

In essence, Bitget’s new product is intended to distinguish itself from others around crypto or USDT by tracking a set of assets rather than a single one. Indeed, Index Futures have the spot currency fund as its benchmark. Assets are often correlated by class or index, thus reflecting macro changes in the market.

In this regard, Gracy Chen, Managing Director of Bitget, commented as follows:

“There are virtually no index trading platforms on the cryptocurrency market at present and we are proud to become the leading exchange in the domain of offering investors such a versatile and low-risk option. Our technology allows us to provide clear and readable indices that users can leverage to mimic their operations on traditional markets.”

Bitget: the first BGHOT10 Index Future and ARBETF spot ETF

The first Index Futures product launched by Bitget is called BGHOT10, which includes the 10 most popular crypto assets on the platform with a maximum leverage ratio of 20x.

BGHOT10 reflects the market changes, trends and performance of the hottest crypto assets traded on Bitget. It is a new benchmark composed of a basket of trending crypto assets selected from the Bitget platform, including ADA, SOL, MATIC, AVAX, ATOM, SUSHI, DYDX, XRP, ETC and APT.

Remaining on the subject of crypto baskets that reduce risk exposure, Bitget has also launched spot ETFs composed of a set of cryptocurrencies representative of popular sectors.

Currently, in its first phase is Bitget’s ARBETF product, which is a spot ETF that tracks the performance of tokens in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

The ARBETF is currently composed of four currencies, including GMX ( 40%), MAGIC (30%), GNS (25%) and RDNT (5%), with different weight allocations proportional to their respective market capitals.

The new 2023 roadmap of the crypto-exchange

Recently, Bitget announced that it has invested as much as $30 million in BitKeep, a leading non-custodial crypto wallet.

Being the controlling shareholder, Bitget has prepared a new 2023 roadmap for precisely this crypto-wallet, first of all planning its rebranding to Bitget Wallet.

BitKeep functions as a decentralized wallet, providing a complete solution for crypto management. To its 9.5 million users around the globe, BitKeep offers services such as an integrated NFT marketplace, wallet function, swap services, dApp browser and Launchpad.

At the blockchain level, the wallet acquired by Bitget already supports more than 255,400 types of crypto assets and tokens, which travel on more than 90 blockchains, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Fantom and Solana.

