Base Network sees steady growth, surpasses $735M TVL

Currently, the Base network achieves a daily transaction speed (TPS) of 3.45, with over 6.97 million transactions completed in the last 30 days.

Base Network, a project nurtured by Coinbase, shows consistent growth, although the rate has slowed since its initial surge. As of the latest data from L2Beat, Base’s total value locked (TVL) is nearly $735 million, marking a 4% increase in the past week.

According to the data, since its official launch in August 2023, the TVL of Base Network, representing the total dollars within the network, has increased from $592 million at the end of November and exceeded $600 million.

Meanwhile, user engagement on Base has consistently risen, reaching over 2.5 million cumulative users by Nov. 1 and exceeding 3 million by Dec. 22, as per DUNE analytics.

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