Ankr and Polygon Partner Up to Enhance Developer Experience

Ankr is pleased to announce that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Polygon. Ankr is a Web3 infrastructure and cross-chain staking DeFi platform. It allows users to engage with blockchain ecosystems through decentralized applications (dApps), hosting nodes, and staking.

Parth Pathak, General Manager of Polygon Supernets, said, “Polygon couldn’t be more excited to partner with ANKR for providing world-class tooling for building dedicated blockchains. With Polygon Supernets, enterprises, gaming, and entertainment projects can rapidly power up their dedicated app-specific chains that are fine-tuned for best-in-class EVM performance. Polygon is bringing together the world’s leading Web3 providers (like ANKR) into a comprehensive ecosystem that will empower any team to build their own blockchain. Supernets will help bring the next billion users to Web3.”

By providing Polygon with the best Web3 developer tools for builders, this new partnership will contribute to the growth of the entire ecosystem by creating user experiences that are superior to Web2. With the assistance of Polygon’s expert validator partners, developers may create decentralized validator sets using Polygon Supernets, which is powered by the Polygon Edge modular blockchain stack.

Additionally, users of the Polygon Edge infrastructure toolkit can launch and set up their own Edge chain with just a few lines of code. Without this innovative solution, projects would have to fork an Ethereum mainnet node, which takes a considerable amount of time and effort.

What are Supernets?

Validators, third-party implementation services, design, management, and rapid integration tools are provided by Supernets. Additionally, they are supported by Polygon Edge, a flexible framework for building blockchains compatible with Ethereum. With the help of Polygon’s expert validator partners, developers can use Supernets to create decentralized validator sets quickly.

Ankr, Polygon’s infrastructure provider, offers a start-to-finish technical solution that combines the highest throughput, security, and adaptability. Web3 developers can easily design unique blockchains tailored to their specific applications using App Chains. The tools offered by Supernets greatly enhance the developer experience.

Making Big Strides Towards Mass Adaption

To drive Web3 mass adoption, we must provide consumers with a better UX than Web2. Enhancing the UX is possible only by streamlining Web3 development, which is why we’re thrilled to partner with Polygon Supernets and provide developers with the necessary infrastructure to build efficiently. Together, Ankr App chain Infra and Polygon Supernets can supercharge high-quality Web3 games, financial products, and other decentralized applications,” said Kev Silk, Ankr App Chain Manager, in a comment on the partnership and what it means for the Web3 industry.

All smart contracts or dApps created for Ethereum-compatible networks, whether written in Solidity, Vyper, or any other language, are supported by Polygon Supernet. Ankr’s App Chains allow programmers to choose the programming languages, consensus algorithms, and frameworks that are best suited for their project. 

Ankr’s goal is to drive mass adoption by making Web3 accessible to everyone. Ankr is working to achieve this goal by reducing complexity and enabling scalability and app-specific customization. The collaboration with Polygon is another big step in that direction.


Slow transaction rates and high gas costs are two of the main issues delaying the adoption of Web3, and Ankr will play a big role in addressing these issues by allowing developers to build their own blockchains on Polygon Edge.

The crypto community is looking forward to seeing what Ankr and Polygon will accomplish in the future through their new strategic partnership.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.
