YAxis V3 Brings 2.5x APR Boost To Avalanche Network

The yAxis team is proud to announce that we are launching on the AVAX network, our first ever outside of Ethereum! We will now have four vaults in the Avalanche ecosystem.     Advertisement Summary In...

Introducing the New yAxis Vaults with Market Leading Yields

yAxis launches three new yield generating vaults that are asset-based on Ethereum mainnet. With the addition of the tricrypto2, cvxETH, and FRAX vaults, the DAO-directed, multi-asset, meta yield aggre...

yAxis introduces yAxis Vaults with market leading yields

yAxis launches three new asset-based yield generating vaults on Ethereum mainnet. With the addition of the tricrypto2, cvxETH, and FRAX vaults, the DAO-directed, multi-asset, meta yield aggregator now...