Lab-grown blood transfused to people in world-first clinical trial

Blood grown in a laboratory has been transfused into humans for the first time in a landmark clinical trial. Future Publishing | Future Publishing | Getty Images LONDON — Blood grown in a laboratory h...

Australian Securities Exchange completes world-first blockchain settlement scheme test

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), one of the world’s leading securities exchanges has successfully completed the world’s first blockchain settlement scheme as the entity seeks to streamline op...

Can Maker’s ‘world-first’ move merge DeFi with traditional banking

Maker was one of the most-discussed altcoins of the week. The Decentralized Finance protocol proposed the move of integrating the traditional banking system into its ecosystem. The response being over...

BeaRex Launches the World-First Play-And-Earn Game Based on Instagram AR Mask

BeaRex, the first blockchain-based Play-and-Earn runner, announces the launch of its beta version of an Instagram AR Mask game that will make it even more exciting and engaging in its bright universe....