ViaBTC’s Sixth-Anniversary Events Come to a Successful End, Bringing Tens of Thousands of Users to a Crypto Carnival

As the official event “Collect Cards to Share $50,000 Bonus” ends on ViaBTC’s website, the sixth-anniversary events that lasted for more than 40 days are drawing to a close. During this period, ViaBTC...

ViaBTC’s User-centered Products in Five Business Segments for Past 6 Years

Blockchain is never short of trends or opportunities. In such an unpredictable industry, only a few teams could stick to their original beliefs, and ViaBTC is one of them. During the past six years si...

ViaBTC’s Strategic Partner SAI.TECH Goes Public on Nasdaq

ViaBTC’s strategic partner SAI.TECH Global Corporation (“SAI.TECH” or “SAI”),  a clean-energy-driven Bitcoin mining operator with leading energy-saving solutions to the computing, power, and heating i...