Veritaseum sued coinbase because of patent violation

Coinbase is facing difficulties with one more act of patent infringement, amidst its other legal problems.  Varitaseum Capital LLC, a blockchain-based fintech company headquartered in New York has sue...

Firm previously accused of fraud sues Coinbase for patent infringement

A firm that previously weathered fraud allegations from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking $350 million from Coinbase in a lawsuit that alleges the exchange infringed on its ...

Veritaseum Sued Coinbase Over Patent Infringement, Seeks $350 M For Settlement

Coinbase gets into trouble with another lawsuit of patent infringement, among its other legal issues. A blockchain-based fintech software company in New York, Varitaseum Capital LLC, sued the crypto e...

Veritaseum Capital Sues Coinbase for Patent Infringement

Veritaseum is demanding $350 million from Coinbase. The Federal court in Delaware received the case filing. According to Reuters, Veritaseum Capital LLC is suing Coinbase for patent infringement relat...