As Anticipated, Lockheed Martin-Sikorsky Has Protested the Army’s FLRAA Selection

A conceptual image of Sikorsky-Boeing Defiant X helicopters deploying troops in a landing zone – an … [+] image that the Army’s early December FLRAA selection putatively nullified. S...

Bell’s V-280 Valor Just Won the Most Important Army Helicopter Competition In 40 Years

Bell’s V-280 tiltrotor has been chosen as the winner of the Army’s FLRAA competition to partially … [+] replace the H-60 Black Hawk. Bell Textron Inc It’s official. Yesterday, the U....

Acciones baratas de mineras cripto podrían ser trampas de valor, según la firma Valkyrie

Entre los mineros con menos holdings en relación a su capitalización de mercado están Hive Blockchain (HIVE), Bit Digital (BTBT), CleanSpark (CLSK), Stronghold Digital (SDIG) y Greenidge Generation (G...