Twenty One Brilliant New Year Holiday Wines

The below reviews (some published previously) target a mixed bag of wines I tasted during this past year and recommend for drinking during any grand festive occasion, as well as for ringing the new ye...

Exploring Tuscan Wine Country By Fiat Cinquecento

During a recent vacation I visited Tuscan wineries in a Fiat 500 car— known in Italy as a cinquecento (pronounced CHINK-way CHEN-tow). The word—rolling with alliteration—can apparently also add emphas...

Pair These Bold Red Italian Wines With Blistering Summer Heat

Mediterranean dinner party table in the Italian countryside getty Many lean into their wines seasonally, often emphasizing red wines for cool evenings of autumn and winter, pairing them with heavy, be...

Quality Wines From The Romagna Region Of Italy

Piazza del Popolo in the evening, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy getty Italy has 20 different geographical regions, and Emiglia-Romagna—in the north—is both wealthy and geographically diverse. Bordere...