Making It Work (Remotely) Three Years On

No matter what, we all recognize that life is chaotic and loud, and full of interruptions. And we love our teammates all the more for it. getty “Um, Jessica, is that your daughter climbing on a booksh...

These 61 companies tried out a 4-day workweek — and most are sticking with it

Four-day workweek for the win. Companies in the U.K. that experimented with a four-day workweek last year reported more revenue and less staff attrition, while most workers participating in the trial ...

Why labor economists say the remote work ‘revolution’ is here to stay

Momo Productions | Digitalvision | Getty Images Remote work surged in the pandemic era — but this trend, borne of necessity for public health, has now become a fixture of the U.S. job market, one that...

New CIO Wants Cisco to Be a Model for Hybrid Work

Fletcher Previn, Cisco Systems Inc.’s new chief information officer, said he is working to help position the networking-equipment maker as a leader in hybrid work. “Everybody being remote in the pande...

‘Mass layoffs’ of Meta bus drivers lead to pleas for Facebook to bring workers back to the office

Protesters on Thursday urged Meta Platforms Inc. to call its Silicon Valley-based engineers and other employees back to the office, after Facebook’s parent company continued to dismiss service workers...

Workers are disengaged from their jobs — but don’t blame remote work. The real cause lies elsewhere.

Worker disengagement is increasing no matter where a person does their job, whether that’s in the office, at home, or a hybrid of both. And just because people are showing up to the job in person, it ...

Over 50% of CEOs say they’re considering cutting jobs over the next 6 months — and remote workers may be the first go to

Alarm sirens from the C-Suite about a looming recession are gaining volume in America and elsewhere, but calls back to the office for full-time work are a lot softer. Most CEOs across the globe shared...

The Boss May Not Like It. But Millions of Workers Aren’t Coming Back to the Office.

Erin Li, a 29-year-old working for an advertising firm in Los Angeles, is looking for a new job that allows full-time remote work.  Li is worried that her current employer will require her to work fro...

Apple workers tell CEO Tim Cook: ‘We demand location-flexible work’

The self-styled solidarity group AppleTogether launched a petition Monday demanding a more flexible work policy in response to the company’s return-to-office mandate. “We demand that Apple allows each...

Malcolm Gladwell’s work from home comments spark backlash, accusations of hypocrisy

Comments from Malcom Gladwell about working from home have sparked a backlash on social media, with critics accusing the author of hypocrisy. “It’s not in your best interests to work at home,” said Gl...

Gasoline Demand Is the Lowest in a Year. Blame Remote Work, Not Pump Prices.

Text size U.S. crude oil inventory levels still remain 5% below the five-year average for this time of year. Brandon Bell/Getty Images It isn’t just high oil prices, but Americans working from home th...

Office workers in San Francisco, Manhattan and Chicago are not returning to the office in significant numbers, research shows

Companies are trying to bring back employees into the office. Early data suggests that workers still aren’t that keen. According to a new report by, visits to office buildings have yet to ca...

Californians working from home are moving to Mexico amid inflation

More than 360,000 people left California in 2021, in what some are calling “The California Exodus” — many leaving for states like Texas, Arizona and Washington. And a rising number of form...

Citigroup Trader Went Through Several Alerts on ‘Fat Finger’ Trade

A Citigroup Inc. C -2.10% trader who sent European stock indexes into free fall last month was working from home and went through several alerts before his order went live, people familiar with the ma...

Elon Musk says workers should return to the office or quit. It’s a big gamble: ‘Tesla is kick-starting its own local Great Resignation’

Elon Musk is giving his employees an ultimatum. Tesla’s  TSLA, -2.36% chief executive officer and founder responded Thursday to an apparent leaked email that called on employees to return to the offic...

Musk Wants Tesla Workers to Return to the Office. The Move Might Backfire.

Text size Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Maja Hitjj/Getty Images Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants employees to come back to the office—and they will probably listen. The move, however, is not without its risks. On Wed...

‘Pretend to work somewhere else.’ Elon Musk reportedly tells Tesla staff working remotely is no longer an option.

“They should pretend to work somewhere else.” That was Tesla’s TSLA, -2.88% chief executive officer Elon Musk, responding to an apparent leaked email making the rounds that was addressed to the electr...

The benefits of major cities amid remote work and rent inflation

Many renters believe that a cost-of-living crisis is brewing in America’s major cities. New York City is showing up as a hotspot of rent inflation. The average rent for 1-bedroom apartments in M...

The Great Resistance is here. Companies and employees are in a battle of wills over returning to the office.

Amy Faust Liggayu, 32, a market-research project manager based in Tinley Park, Ill., and mother of a 7-month-old son, never imagined she would have a life where she could spend five days a week with h...

What Ford, a 9-to-5 workweek pioneer, is learning about hybrid work

Ford Motor Company world headquarters, Dearborn, Michigan on January 19, 2021. Aaron J. Thornton | Getty Images After several setbacks and delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Ford Motor Co. finally s...

The ‘best job in America’ pays $145,000, has 14,000 job openings — and offers a generous work-life balance

A six-figure salary and the option to work from home? It sounds too good to be true. Job openings are rising, while workers continue to quit. The number of vacant jobs hit 10.9 million in December, up...