Why target-date funds may sabotage your retirement

If you’re like most of the 30 million or so people investing in a target-date fund mutual fund inside your retirement account, you’ve likely adopted a set-it-and-forget-it attitude toward your nest eg...

Vanguard to Pay Massachusetts Investors Millions Over Target-Date Fund Tax Hit

Vanguard will pay $6.25 million as part of settlement with Massachusetts’ state securities regulator over allegations that changes it made to certain target-date funds stuck investors with unexpectedl...

You just retired and your target-date fund has plunged. What do you do now?

If you recently retired or are near retirement and you had your money in a target-date fund designed for people retiring about now, bad luck. So far this year, the “target” is you. Morningstar tells m...

Could Target-Date Funds Imperil Your Retirement?

target date funds tiaa For years, target-date funds have been one of the go-to options for retirement investors. The appeal is clear; when you invest in a target date fund, you put your money in the h...

Vanguard reclaims top target-date fund manager spot it lost in 2020

Thomas Barwick | Digitalvision | Getty Images Vanguard Group captured the most new investor money in its target-date funds last year relative to other asset managers, reclaiming the top spot it’...