Osmosis Exploiters Return $2M After Swindling $5M – New Data Surfaces

Osmosis is the latest crypto project to encounter an unexpected attack, as the looters made away with $5 million. The past few weeks haven’t been easy for crypto projects, especially exchanges. Not on...

Taxable Virtual Payments In Digitization is Kind Of Swindling

Ghana is among several nations considering or had already, taxing virtual payments. This could be problematic on several levels. After folks have brought into digitization, involving virtual assets. I...

Netflix should turn to crypto swindling and crypto crimes  –

Crypto crimes and swindling is rampant and Netflix should make a thriller  Vanity fair and Pizza Day are recognised as crypto bashing day  The hunt for the crypto king continues as no one can be trust...

The Tinder Swindler Breaks Silence, Claims To Be a Bitcoin OG —No Swindling Involved

Simon Leviev gained fame after the documentary The Tinder Swindler went viral on Netflix a few weeks ago. The media claims he made his fortune by taking advantage of women he met online, but in a rece...