How to build your first blockchain on Substrate?

When Ethereum was launched in July 2015, the world was introduced to the concept of smart contracts that hoped to revolutionize the blockchain space and allowed anyone from developers to enthusiasts t...

Polkadot Launches Substrate Marketplace

Developers building on the Polkadot blockchain and its canary network Kusama should have an easier time of it with the launch of an all-new Substrate Marketplace that’s part of a bigger update to the ...

One-stop Source For Substrate Pallets: Polkadot Unveils Substrate Marketplace

The Substrate Developer Hub has undergone a significant upgrade to improve the Substrate learning and development experience. Polkadot, the network protocol developing genuine multi-chain applications...

Parity Introduces Square One, Facilitating Creation on Substrate and More

Substrate is a massive ecosystem that allows blockchain developers to build on major chains like Polkadot and Kusama. Due to its popularity, and the diversity of what you can create with this toolkit,...

Why Substrate Based Polkadot is the Next Big Thing in Crypto Sphere?

If you’re actively following the news in the crypto and blockchain industry, you probably noticed that everyone’s talking about Polkadot, which is supposed to be the next big thing in the crypto spher...