Moonsama partners with KILT protocol for SocialKYC integration

Polkadot-based NFT project Moonsama has announced that it integrated SocialKYC on its Multiverse Bridge, allowing users to sign in using their wallets instead of usernames and passwords. Moonsama inte...

BOTLabs Releases SocialKYC, Built on KILT Protocol: Details

Vladislav Sopov BOTLabs Trusted Entity GmbH (B.T.E.) unveils its novel identity verification solution in Polkadot’s ecosystem Contents SocialKYC is built on KILT Protocol in the Polkadot Ecoysys...

SocialKYC restores customers’ control over personal data

B.T.E. BOTLabs, a subsidiary of BOTLabs GmbH, has launched the decentralized identity service SocialKYC, Invezz learned from a press release. The service enables customers to regain control over their...