Embark And Texas Law Enforcement Simulate The Real Thing

Texas Law Enforcement deputy interacting with Embark’s automated truck. Embark Trucks Automated truck developer Embark has announced the completion of a public demonstration of its emergency veh...

Scammers Simulate Airdrop to Lure Victims

Luna 2.0: A real airdrop of the cryptocurrency will be made today. But criminals are taking advantage of the imminent release to create fake airdrops of the new cryptocurrency of the Terra ecosystem. ...

Bank of Canada Using Quantum Computing to Simulate Crypto Adoption Scenarios

The Bank of Canada has become the first G7 country to turn to quantum computing to simulate scenarios where cryptocurrency and fiat currency can coexist. This week, Multiverse Computing, the startup l...

A Drone With A Small Bizjet Engine Might Simulate 5th Generation Fighters For Cheap

The “Fury” aggressor drone that Blue Force Technologies hopes to build, flight test and sell to the … [+] Air force and others could provide cheap, numerically dense 5th generation t...