Zoksh Simplifying Web3 Payments with its Zero-Code, Low-Fee Crypto Payments Infrastructure – crypto.news

Zoksh is fast redefining cryptocurrency payments for merchants and businesses across the globe with its non-custodial, low-fee, and zero-code crypto payment infrastructure. Zoksh Ramp and Zoksh Pay, t...

Spool’s Smart Vault redefines DeFi by simplifying risk-managed yi…

Crypto’s burgeoning popularity has opened the gates for DeFi projects to create new ways to build wealth. But with all the flexibility and digital asset applications brought forth by DeFi, it can quic...

Fintech PayMongo Weans Philippines Shops Off Cash By Simplifying Digital Payments

Armed with fresh funding, payments fintech PayMongo is enabling small businesses in the Philippines to join the digital economy. A three-year-old Philippine fintech firm is helping digitalize the coun...

Juragan Material is simplifying Indonesia’s complicated construction supply chain

Indonesia’s construction industry is large and growing quickly, but a lot of supply procurement is still done the old-fashioned way, through phone calls and text messages. Juragan Material wants to ma...

What new features did Neo network-based Flamingo roll out, simplifying staking?

The features that Flamingo Finance rolled out will ultimately make the staking process easy and avail rewards for liquidity providers Decentralized finance platform based on New Blockchain, Flamingo F...

Fringe Finance Making the DeFi Space Inclusive by Simplifying Crypto Lending & Borrowing

The digital assets industry has been successful at attracting a record number of users within a short time. If we look at the numbers, we will see just how phenomenal the growth has been in the digita...

Fibswap: Providing accessibility and simplifying DEX trading across multiple chains

Throughout 2021, we saw users switch from centralized exchanges to decentralized exchanges to take back control and be the sole custodian of their crypto assets. They are finally understanding the lim...

Solving & Simplifying The Data Integrity Equation For Businesses & Consumers Alike

Data-driven decision-making has gained meaning and importance in the age of big data, but that doesn’t mean everything always goes as smoothly as it should, both for businesses and consumers.  Sure, b...

Euronin: Simplifying legal payments with cryptocurrencies

Euronin company was created to simplify legal payments with cryptocurrencies on the European market. The whole crypto world is looking at how to make crypto even better, faster, and more efficient. We...