Self-Storage Investment Is Now A Cash Business And Fund Activity Is Soaring

Location and market conditions continue to drive the self-storage investment sector. Locations where housing sales have stalled have been the first to struggle with self-storage occupancy. Rising inte...

This Self-Storage REIT Has The Highest Upside According To Analysts

National Storage Affiliates Trust (NYSE: NSA) is a self-storage REIT that owns, operates and acquires 1076 self-storage properties in the largest metropolitan areas throughout 42 states and Puerto Ric...

4 REITs To Gain Exposure To Growing Self-Storage Real Estate Market

George Carlin’s classic bit about “stuff” and where to put “stuff” and the hilarity of finding places for “stuff” is what self-storage is all about. The dilemma of where to put your stuff is addressed...

US self-storage stocks: a sector worth playing for keeps

Self-storage companies run warehouses where people pay to keep items they do not need immediately but do not want to discard. The contents of these lock-ups range from battered furniture to equipment ...