‘She has no life insurance, savings or money’: My brother died, leaving his wife with $20,000 in debt. How can I help her?

Dear Quentin, My sister’s husband died last week. They had both lived with us for the previous nine years before moving into an independent living facility. They were there for two and a half months b...

Ray Dalio just said your cash savings, bonds are ‘stupid to own’ due to low interest rates — so use these 3 alternative places to stash your money

Ray Dalio just said your cash savings, bonds are ‘stupid to own’ due to low interest rates — so use these 3 alternative places to stash your money Some say cash is king. But according to R...

5 ways to reset your retirement savings and save more money in 2022

Review workplace retirement plan contributions Contribute to traditional or Roth accounts — or both One decision is whether to put money pre-tax in a traditional 401(k) or workplace plan or contribute...

Saver’s Tax Credit: A Retirement Savings Incentive

Many people struggle to carve out the funds they need to build up their retirement nest eggs. Fortunately, a nonrefundable tax credit, known as the retirement savings contribution credit, can make it ...

Your cash savings will be crucial during a ‘dramatic reckoning’ — here’s how to crash-proof your portfolio for 2022

Rick Rule: Your cash savings will be crucial during a ‘dramatic reckoning’ — here’s how to crash-proof your portfolio for 2022 The stock market heads into 2022 at all-time highs. But...