Avalanche-based protocol rug-pulled within hours of its debut

TL:DR Breakdown Avalanche based Atom protocol suffers rug pull just after its launch The scam brings about deleting of all the social platforms for Atom Protocol Many users suffer with the downfall of...

Avalanche-based protocol reportedly rug-pulled within hours of launch

Scams, rug pulls, hacks and exploits are all regular occurrences in the cryptocurrency industry, owing mostly to its anonymous, decentralized nature. Even though many verifications and registration re...

Is Solana On The Verge Of Getting Rug-Pulled?  Will SOL Price Remain Chained Below $100?

The crypto business’s congestion-ridden blockchain continues to stifle its limitations. Despite holding a firm grip on fundamentals and utility, the congestion in the network has been a thorn in the s...