Massively Brewing “Trust Recession” Aims To Erode Responsible AI Says AI Ethics And AI Law

Efforts toward Responsible AI and building trust in AI are being thwarted by the societal massive … [+] trust recession, so be on the watch. getty I’m sure you are familiar with the old saying t...

Implanting Legal Reasoning Into AI Could Smartly Attain Human-Value Alignment Says AI Ethics And AI Law

Tough challenges confront embodying the law into AI, including using AI-infused Legal Reasoners to … [+] guide and keep the rest of AI on the upright legal track. getty In today’s column, I am g...

AI Virtues As Missing Bedrock Ingredient For Responsible AI Says AI Ethics And AI Law

Some say that AI Virtues are the missing ingredient that we need to focus on for stridently … [+] attaining AI Ethics and AI Law. getty Are you virtuous? Before you answer that question, let’s u...