Ethereum Proof of Stake Is a Regressive Capital Tax –

Ethereum recently merged its original chain with a new Proof-of-Stake (PoS) chain. The PoS blockchain was fashioned after the original chain began recording massive costs and scalability problems. Dev...

Is Hooters UK As ‘Regressive’ As Its Backlash Suggests?

Hooters is not new to the UK, but its recent plans for expansion are causing an uproar(Photo by Carl … [+] De Souza/Getty Images) Getty Images American restaurant chain Hooters has been given th...

John Fetterman Supports Soda Taxes & Claims They Aren’t Regressive, But Bernie Sanders Begs To Differ

Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman (D – PA), now Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate (Photo by Mark … [+] Makela/Getty Images) Getty Images Soda taxes are once again back in the news thanks...